Mermaid Tails

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I felt annoyed. I don't know why, but in an argument, it's always satisfying if you get the last word. But Finnick had left to his compartment in the train before I could respond to his judgement on my back talking.

People tell me all the time, Wow Annie! You never talk! Stop being so shy! And I don't get offended by these comments. I don't argue with anyone in authority, because usually I have nothing against what they're saying. I suppose it annoys me that Finnick called me a "back talker" which no one has ever called me. But I suppose I was arguing with him...

Manter stands up from the couch and takes a pastry from the plates of food on the coffee table. He leaves to his own compartment, without a word. I decide it's time I leave too. I walk to my room that's been assigned to me.

When I enter, I see a beautiful bed laid out for me, with the softest of sheets. Brown carpeted floor make my toes curl, as I walk on them. A TV stands opposite of the bed. That's when I realize, I haven't seen the other tribute's reaping!

I silently curse at Finnick, for again failing to do his job. I also start to wonder where Cassandra is, but then I realize I'm relieved she isn't here. Her long bright blue hair, and her four inch tall high heels, tended to be annoying.

I look at the clock above the television set. It's 7:40, which means I missed only ten minutes. I turn on the TV as I strip down from my blue blouse, and brown skirt, and I change into the nightdress that was set out for me.

Caeser Flickerman appears on the screen, talking about how excited he is, for the 70th annual Hunger Games. "You've already seen District One's tributes, folks! Let's show you the rest!"

As I watch the show, I take mental notes. Both the tributes in District Two look fierce. They practically tore people apart, just trying to volunteer.

District Three is shown next. The tributes look skinny and frail, but I remember not to underestimate anyone. The mentor gives his speech, readjusting his glasses, and scratching his dark skin. When he finishes, the mayor stands up saying,"Thank you Beetee! I trust you'll give the District a fine victor!" Beetee smiles kindly.

Next I am shown, walking ever so slowly to the stage. And Manter is called next. I watch again as they ask for volunteers, and only the wind makes a sound.

District Five and Six had fit tributes. District Seven is next, and I'm shocked to see only a twelve year old boy get picked. No one offers to take his place. His mentor, a tall woman who has long hair in a pony tail. I recognize her immediately, as Johanna Mason. She was famously known, for stripping at the wrong moments during the Games. She was also known for her use of wielding an axe.

Next are Ten and Elevn, and they look the same. They finally end with Twelve. The mentor walks up to the podium, sluggishly. He has a bottle in one hand. He practically shouts at the microphone. "MY SPEECH IS-" he gives a loud burp and falls asleep standing. The camera man must've been embarrassed that he was filming a drunk mentor, so he quickly tried to turn the camera off, but accidentally dropped it, facing a girl with her brown hair braided. I realize this is the drunk friend that Finnick was talking about...

I turn off the TV, and go to sleep, wrapping myself in blankets. I try not to think about the horrors to come.


When I awake, I smell delicious breakfast. I walk out of my room, towards the dining area, where Finnick sits by himself, eating. "Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked.

"I didn't think you would've wanted to be awoken up so early."

I frown. "It's your job to do it, it doesn't matter what I think."

Finnick sighs, "Look, I can tell you don't like me."

"I don't."

"Exactly. Why don't you get to know me first, then judge me for the horrible person I am?"

I laugh at his joke; it's the first time I've had a positive feeling toward him, since we entered the train. "All right, I'm sorry."

He smiles, "Why don't we start over?" He clears his throat.

"Hi, I'm Finnick Odair, and I'm the amazingly handsome victor that's come to mentor you! What's your name?"

I smile, "Don't they have a word for you? Self-centered? Narcissistic?"

He shrugs. "I was going more for 'sexy' but alright."

I laugh again, and realize that maybe I was wrong to judge him so quickly. Our conversation moves on from home life, to what the parade will be like, to strategies in the Games.

Manter comes out of his conpartment, and then the entire discussion becomes only about the Games.

The train comes to a stop, and I look out the window. The Capitol. It's like a serpent, beautiful, but deadly. It's high towers and glimmering lights are there to forget that this is the place where children die.

A hand shoves me on the back, an I turn to see Finnick pushing me and Manter out of the train door. "Remember what I told you two, no bickering with the stylists. I don't care if they make you look like purple zebras, you have to keep your mouth shut."

I find myself nodding, and see that Manter nods his head too. A feel a harder push on my back, and see that Cassandra is trying to get the attention of camera men. "Ladies and gentlemen! Please meet the tributes of District Four!" A small crowd of about sixty people are at the train station, all applauding. Cassandra points at a group of four people. "Annie, those are your stylists." I nod and walk towards them.


I feel my nails being softly brushed with nail polish. We finished ripping my leg hair out (I thought the torture was supposed to start during the Games, not before). I've been washed, plucked, washed, perfumed, and washed again. I now stand naked in front of a woman. She is probably, the lead stylist, and although we are both women, I still feel uncomfortable like this in front of her.

She finally speaks after examining me for what felt like hours. "Hello, I'm District Four's stylist. We're going to talk about you outfit tonight for the parade."

"Did you choose District Four because we're a Career district?" I ask, trying to sound polite, even though the thought makes me mad.

"Yes, actually. I didn't choose it because 'I felt a calling' to District Four, or some other lie stylists will make up. I simply chose it because I wish for money and fame."

This takes me aback slightly. She seems straightforward, not wanting to lie. "So what's my costume?" I ask. She walked back and forth. "Most of the time, we see District Four tributes dressed as fishermen, or fish. But I don't want to do that. That boy Manter is awfully handsome, and I would be lying if I said you weren't good looking either."

I felt slightly relieved; I wasn't going to be in a giant fish suit. "What are you going to do?"

She smiled, "Ever heard of Mermaids?"

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