Brawns and Brains

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The next three days were brutal. I was extremely nervous. Me, Nathan, Metallia, Sparks, and Quain tried to squeeze all of our best efforts into those three days. We made sure to avoid Jake, who was being closely watched by the Gamemakers.
Jake seemed to take everyone's fear as an achievement for himself. He made sure to hover around the station Jane was in, to scare her each time. There were a few moments when he would walk up behind her and scare her. She would let out a small terrified squeal, not wanting to receive the same wound her partner got, and run to another station.
"What an idiot." I mumbled.
"What's that?" asked Quain.
"Oh... er nothing."
We continued to practice, until it was finally the day. We all sat nervously in the room, waiting to be called one at a time, to be judged. The lowest number you could get was one. I tried not to let the sweat show on my face as I sat next to my friends. I sat there, watching Sparks go up first. Then Metallia. After her went Jake. It continued until it was Manter's turn. I noticed he was sitting in the corner... away from us. I frowned. Finally, it was my turn.
Sweat ran down my palms as I was called out. I wiped them on my pants. Nathan and Quain gave me reassuring smiles. I took a deep breath.
When I entered the room, the Gamemakers were paying close attention, though I noticed their attention would drop if I didn't do something amazing. I needed them to give me a good number. I didn't know what to do. Why hadn't I planned something? I could remember Finnick's words the other day.
"Annie, you've got to take this seriously. You need to think of something to show the Gamemakers. Have you thought of anything?"
I ignored him at the time. "Uh, yeah... "I told him.
"I've already planned it out, trust me."
His chest seemed to flood with relief.
"Good. This is an important piece to the Games."
"Miss Cresta?" a Gamemaker spoke up, waking me from the past.
"You may now start."
A small chuckle was let out by a few of them. I decided to just wing it. I started at the knife-throwing station, and was pretty good at it. I continued to the plant station and got a good score in forty seconds. I knew I stunk at archery, so I avoided that station. I just rotated around the stations until my time was up. Come on, I need to think of something that will impress them.
My eyes laid on something new in the training area. I cleared my throat, "Excuse me?"
The Gamemakers looked up, "What?"
"When has this been put here?"
"It's only used to for this event. Just to see how well tributes react to their environment."
A small smile spread across my face. Maybe I could impress them with something. I stood at the beginning of the new training object. It was a pool. I would show off my swimming. I didn't care if my talents weren't brawn, or brains. I had swimming.
I dived into the water, as the cold water blanketed around me. My legs did the talking as I swirled off across the water. The length of the pool seemed to be endless. But nevertheless, I burst my way down, speeding. It was hard to see, so I didn't stop until I reached the end. Even then, I didn't stop. I turned around and sped back. My legs ached and screamed for me to take a rest, but my heart said to keep going. Finally, I reached my way back.
I wiped the chlorine from my eyes as I jumped out of the pool. My tight training suit was drenched in water. When the water finally cleared from my eyes, the Gamemakers were all standing in shock.
I didn't know why they were shocked, I just swam back and forth. "Um... is there a reason why you're all staring at me?"
One Gamemaker stood up, "Miss Cresta, that pool was extremely long."
"You swam over one hundred feet in under forty-five seconds."
I stayed rooted to the spot. Did I really...?
"Miss Cresta you may now leave," the Gamemaker said.
I left the room, water still dripping from my suit.

Hey! I hope you enjoyed! I made so many typos on this one, I had to rewrite it completely, even though I already published it. I even subconsciously switched to third person narration >_< I was very embarrassed. Anyways, thanks for reading! Will be continued...

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