The Games

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Quain's words were nagging me for the longest time. Are we still going to be allies? Can I trust this kid? What could a small boy possibly do? I was starting to wonder if I had made a mistake on adding him to the group.

The day finally arrived for the hovercrafts to arrive and pick Manter and I up. The ride with the other tributes was nearly unbearable. Uneasy glances were cast from one person to another. I looked into each set of eyes and knew they would either belong to my killer, or of things got worse... my victim. The thought made me dizzy. I grabbed my forehead with my hand. I felt a tight squeeze on my hand and looked to see a smiling Nathan giving me a reassuring look.

My arm still hurt from when they injected my arm with the tracker, but the pain was starting to subside. The trip to the arena was so quick, that the next thing I knew, I was underground and about to enter the elevator. I leaned against a wall and held my squirming insides. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. Oh, but it was.

Finnick entered the room and woke me up from my thoughts. I swallowed, "Shouldn't you be with Manter right now?"
He gave a nervous laugh, "You know exactly why I'm here."

I ran up to hug Finnick. He didn't move. He then wrapped his arms around me.

"You promised your mom you would come back alive, now promise me, okay?"
I nodded my head.
"Annie, please say it."
I smiled weakly, "I promise I'll come back. And the first thing I'll call you is your nickname."
"And what's that?"

I turned my back, walked up to the elevator and stood inside. Finnick's back turned when the floor began moving up.

At first, it was impossible to see anything. The sun hit my eyes as they burned. Finally, the golden Cornucopia came into view. It shined brightly with presents littered all around it. My surroundings confused me at first. It looked like... it was an abandoned city. Buildings surrounded me, some were broken, some were fine. A tall tower stood in the distance, but it looked as if it were ready to collapse. I turned around to see a large water dam. Well, at least I'll know where to find water.

I looked around for my allies. The first set of eyes I locked with were Manter's. He avoided my gaze and looked straight at a backpack so close to him. I looked for everyone else, and I found Sparks first. He nodded towards the Cornucopia meaning that he wanted me to come with him to get the supplies. I found Nathan and Quain, both were next to each other. They seemed ready to bolt for shelter. Metallia was on my left, gave me a wink, and looked towards the Cornucopia.

From this I could summarize the situation. Nathan and Quain would run to safety and find a stable shelter. Mostly Nathan would be protecting Quain. Metallia, Sparks, and I would run towards the Cornucopia. I was lost in thought as always, that I wasn't even listening, and the gong had sounded.
Oh no!
I was a second too late. Everyone was already running towards the Cornucopia, and Nathan and Quain ran towards a library. I ran to the closest thing I could find. It was a sleeping bag. I gripped onto it, another boy did too at the same time. He yanked, but my grip stayed firm. He raised his hand to punch me, but since his grip loosened, I kicked him in the stomach and yanked the bag away.

I managed to grab a suitcase with me too. This is enough. Get too greedy and you'll get killed. I ran towards the library. As I looked back, I could see Metallia with blood on her hands, and a sword in one. I could see a murderous Jake coming towards Sparks, he had just finished killing someone, because the cannon had sounded.
I ran to the library door and held it open. I waved for everyone to come in. Metallia entered first. It was a double door entrance, so Metallia found a bookshelf and barricaded the first door. I dropped my belongings on a table and grabbed a second bookshelf. I waited by the second door for Sparks. Metallia held her sword to stop anyone wanting to go to through that wasn't Sparks. Sparks finally caught up to us without a bloody Jake trying to kill him. Apparently he got bored with chasing Sparks and decided to kill someone else instead. When Sparks passed through the door, I quickly shut the door and barricaded it with the bookshelf. Sparks collapsed on the floor and started panting. It was no wonder he took so long, he was carrying so many supplies. Metallia and I continued to barricade the double doors with anythig we could find. I grabbed library chairs, she grabbed tables. I grabbed empty bookshelves, she grabbed metal racks. Soon the doors were heavily barricaded, nothing would come through. Metallia and I joined Sparks and collapsed on the floor panting. Surviving the Blood Bath was a success.

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