Quain speaks the truth

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The next day, I woke up and decided to have a long talk with Finnick. I would talk about how it would be unwise for us to... have a certain relationship, since I'll be going off into the Games. I decided I would talk about all the disadvantages, and how it would be slightly unfair for Manter, who would have a Mentor that is only focusing on saving one of us.

I prepared a long speech in my head, trying to do the noble action. But somehow... I didn't want myself to say that. I wanted him to brush my hair and tell me everything was going to be fine. I wanted him to continue telling me how I had a chance in the Games. I wanted him to comfort me.
"Oh well... here goes nothing," I sighed.

When I walked out, to dining room, the only people awake were Carol and Manter. They were both eating pancakes with strawberries on top. So Finnick wasn't awake yet. That was fine. I would just pull him aside when he woke up and talk to him privately. I ate my breakfast.

When Finnick did come out, I began to open my mouth to speak, but he interrupted me.

"Manter, you have training with me today, we're going to try and prepare you for the televised interview," he said.

I cleared my throat, "Uh, Finnick, do you-"

"Annie, you have training with Cassandra today. I suggest you finish your breakfast quickly, so she won't yell at you," he interrupted me.

"But-" I couldn't finish whatever I was going to say, because he turned around and left without another word. Was he... was he pretending yesterday never happened? I didn't know why, but I felt relieved. Perhaps it was because we wouldn't have to share an awkward conversation together.

As it turned out, Finnick was right, and meeting up late with Cassandra was a big mistake.
"Annie! You have to realize how important your timing is! It affects all of us when you come to class late!" she nearly screamed.

"Yes, class!" she said shrilly. Cassandra then launched into a thirty minute long speech on how wasting time was inconvenient. When she finally finished, she decided to teach me how to walk in high heels. I wanted to ask on how in the world this would help me, but I decided not to push my luck, as to the possibility that she might spin off into another speech.

We talked over things I would need to do during the interview. How to answer questions, make jokes, even have a personality.
"Personality?" I asked.
Cassandra nodded, "What are you going to be Annie? Smart? Cute? Strong? Sexy?"
I felt my cheeks grow a bit red. "Why not myself?"
Cassandra then almost fell out of her chair laughing. "Annie, know one in interviews actually are themselves. You need to be Annie Cresta, the..."

She waved at me, indicating that she wanted me to finish the sentence. I sighed, "I'm not strong, or smart, and I'm definitely not sexy." Cassandra looked up, "Then what about cute?" Cute. That seems an odd word considering my job in a few days will be to massacre other children. But since it's the easiest role to play, I agree to take it.

I was actually surprised how well Cassandra was with this. "It's a simple role for you, Annie. Just smile, pretend to get flustered when you receive a compliment, and just talk like you usually do."
"And how do I usually talk?"
"Very shy, and quietly. Honestly dear, half the time I haven't got a clue what you're saying. You just... mumble."

I half want to protest, but decide not to.

After we've finished with the lesson, Cassandra claps her hands together, "Now, I'm going to go talk to your stylist, Carol, and tell her your look must be 'cute'."

I walk out of the room and into the hallway, where I bump into Finnick. He mumbles, "Sorry," and tries to walk away without a single glance at my face. "Um, Finnick!" He pretends not to hear me.

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