Talent Show

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"What the hell happened?!" demanded Finnick, as I'm returned early from training, towel wrapped around my shoulders, with a male Capitol worker escorting me out of the elevator.

"Sir, please calm down." the Capitol attendant says putting me gently on a sofa.

"Screw calm! I want to know why my tribute's back early, and traumatized!" he says angrily. Manter comes out of his room to see what's going on.

The Capitol Attendant took a deep breath, "Mister Finnick Odair, my sincerest apologies, but there has been an attack to one of the tributes."

Manter comes closer. "An attack? By who?"

"A tribute has managed to undergo Capitol laws and security and severely injured another tribute."

"I thought Capitol security is top rate! How did you people let this happen?" his voice growing louder every second.

He sighed, "If you really want to know what happened, why don't you ask your tribute?" And with that he left.

Manter returned to his room. Finnick sat down on the sofa next to me. "Annie," he said in a softer voice, "Are you all right?"

I nodded my head, "I'm- I'm fine. I'm just worried for Tyler. And about Jake."

A crease forms on Finnick's forehead, "Tyler? The boy from elevator? He's the one that got hurt?"

I nod again, "Jake, the boy from District Two- I didn't seem him do it, but I'm positive they got him on tape- but I swear I could see him smiling when Tyler was stabbed."

Finnick stayed silent for a moment, as if the gears were turning in his head. "Tyler will be fine, Annie. Capitol healers work miracles."

This doesn't relieve me at all. I guess part of me hoped he would die an early death, instead of whatever Jake had in store for the Games. The thought makes me feel guilty, but what really scares me is how Jake broke the rules so easily.

"Finnick," I began, "Jake is what worries me. He was willing to cross the rules of the Capitol. What are they going to do? I know they can't execute him, because that's what they're doing now. So how could they possibly punish him?"

Finnick's face grew grim, "He's either extremely stupid or brave. Most likely stupid. They're going to make the Games twice as hell for him. The Capitol doesn't like it when someone gets away with rule-breaking." Finnick acts like he knows from experience. He probably does.

"But Annie, I want you to take private lessons now."

I realize that means no more lessons with my new allies. I shoot straight up, "Wha- wait! I mean- Finnick what about-?"

He stops me immediately, "Annie. You are right about that Jake. For some reason, this year's tributes are twice as vicious. One boy has been stabbed, how long do you think you will last?"

His reasoning, it makes no sense. "F-finnick! If I don't continue training with the other tributes, I'll be seen as weak, and I'll be the first target on everyone's mind! I'll lose any bonds with the any allies I have now! Besides, my safety doesn't matter with my training. I'm as safe as I am in training as I will be in the Games!"

Finnick's face starts to turn red, either of embarrassment or anger; I can't tell. "Annie! You're not training with the other tributes! My decision is final!"

"You aren't my father, Finnick!"

He storms off frustrated to his room to sulk. I can tell as he slams the door that he won't come out for a long time. I sit back down on the couch with a shaky breath. It makes no sense- he makes no sense. Cassandra appears out of the elevator. "My, my! I heard so much yelling, what's going on?"

I take a deep breath and explain everything to her. When I finish, she just nods her head, "I see."

"What? What do you think?"

"Isn't it obvious? He's being overprotective of you, Annie."

"Well, er, yeah. That's his job-"

"No no, he's giving off maternal instinct!"

I stare blankly at Cassandra, "Huh?"

She smiles brightly, "Annie, I don't know how, but you've got a certain affect on Finnick. He's never acted this close to a tribute before. I don't think he's even been this close with anyone!"

I blink again, "What?"

"Annie, this boy is only one year older than you! He's never been so protective of anyone. He's being overprotective of you, because he's afraid you might get hurt! Annie, I think Finnick Odair is in love with you!" Cassandra finishes, with a giddy face of glee.

"WHAT?" I say, flabbergasted.

"Oh you two would be so cute! Oh Annie! I hope you do survive! Maybe you can get married, and have a child! Maybe-"

I cut her off, "C-Cassandra! I doubt that Finnick Odair is in love with me! I-I doubt we would get married or have children either!" I say. The thought just makes me squirmy and embarrassed. I don't need a mirror to tell me that my cheeks are bright red.

Cassandra gives a disappointed sigh, "You're probably right. Sorry dear, I do tend to get excited about couples. Anyway, you have to train extra hard. Three days from now, you're going to be judged by the Gamemakers on your skill."

I nod my head, "Yes, I remember seeing talk about that in TV."

Cassandra gives a pearly white teeth smile, "That's right dear! It will be just like a talent show!"

How odd that she used the words "Talent show". Talent shows are cute shows performed by schoolchildren. This will be a bloodbath performed by murderous children.

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