Bad Kunai! (tenten X Hinata)

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Tentens pov


I was practicing throwing my Kunai when one bounced back and hit me. It was only a little scratch but my girlfriend hinata went crazy!

"mommys hurt" she whimpered, cupping my face.

"it's ok sweetie it's just a little cut" I said reassuringly "the Kunai I was throwing bounced back and-

"bad Kunai!" she scolded the Kunai on the ground "bad bad Kunai!" I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

"now say your sworry" she yelled.

I giggled and held her close "I love you baby" I said kissing her on the cheek.

"I wove you too mommy" I said nuzzling into me "are you all bwetter now?"

"yes I'm all better now honey" I said rubbing noses with her "now let's take you home. Neji will be worried about you if we have you out too long"

"Kay!" she giggled as she took my hand.

We walked back to hinatas house hand in hand.

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