Chapter 18- I swear to you this will be over

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I swear to you this is kind of poetic, a girl, a gun, a guy. That's something my therapist would have said and I hate to say it if she were here now things would be better so much better. 


She's shaking.


She's crying.


She can't breathe.


I abruptly, come back to my senses, there is a girl, a guy, a gun, another guy and Ethan.

There's another girl I don't know with something pressed against her. 

A child.






No. Hope.

There is a literal child.

Reason with them.

"I'm sorry," the words tumble from my mouth in the most sincerest way possible. This is no game. This is not a gang that will think two seconds before hurting someone.

But the worst part is they want her to do it.

To hurt me.

I raise my hands slowly and lock gazed with the one in charge. The middle guy but not the middle man. 

The tall one, with a sort of cloth rapped around only half of his face.

Green eyes, who have I hurt with green eyes.

Someone dangerous. Someone who knows Hazel.


"Ethan, I think I know who this mother- I'm sorry, " I stopped myself, aggravation not a good look. Ethan stared up at me for the first time we were slightly crouched on the floor, "I am going to stand up slowly but I have nothing, " I pointed to the actual middle man, "He can search me, I know what this is about. Trouble is coming," I whispered the last part and that is what got him.

Trouble was coming but not for her for me.

"I know what this is about," the middle man stepped forward. Ryan I think it was.

Ryan and his crew had turned on me.

Not because I was a dick but because I was hurting her.

It all made sense.

This guy with the green eyes. I knew him to.

The forest everything was making sense now.

Who else knew about the forest?

The haunted one, you don't know but I do.

She used to hang out with,

"Hazel, this guy I know him,"

She shook her head the gun slipping between her fingers sliver and flashing and dangerous. Not a movie, clammy moist and ready to go off.

I turned to him, slowly but carefully waiting for Ryan to finish checking my pockets, "Mate, tell her to put the gun down, I know what this is about now. It took me so long to realise," don't laugh. I swear to God don't laugh. This guy, this guy really knows how to pull one over on someone.

This was a statement more than anything.

But I did not laugh.

Because this was dangerous.

The gun was still in her hands but I think the guy on the left turned the safety on.

"Do you know Matilda Therdause, by any chance," I was speaking to the room now, Ryan almost nodded.

Don't Laugh.

"Yes, well you know what she was my therapist and do you know this guy with the green eyes, he used to be there not often but every once in a while and do you know what he said to me," no one spoke, no one moved, because everyone but Hazel knew what he said.

"Come on guys, Ethan, " I nudged him his eyes glazed back and he remembered, "Give me my daughter and I will talk, I know what he is talking about, Ally honey we are just playing a game,"

The daughter was sleepy resting in the arms of yes Allison.

Allison being Ethan's girlfriend.

The man in the greenish brown snake eyes nodded.

So he wasn't talking huh.

Let it play out, Adrian you have got this. 

Just don't laugh out loud like the maniac you are sometimes.

It was Hazel's voice in my head telling me what to do but she was there and she wasn't getting hurt.

No one in this building would get hurt and you know what I could live with a bloodless crime.

I would let them walk.

I would let them go.

If they would just listen.

"Ethan, once you have Ally we can talk and because there is a child here we are going to place this," I nodded to Hazel, "In this Guys," I almost clapped Ryan on the shoulder I think the other guys name was Gary but he wasn't too important to my grand reveal so lets let Ryan be the one to hold the gun.

"And my guy over her," don't say there names in case it goes wrong, "Can lightly," I squared up to him as much as I could but this guy was tall and brutish and mean and also not wanting to hurt the lady or Ethan, "hold on to my...friends...acquaintances?" the looks I was getting told me to move on.

The way he was holding on to Ethan showed he didn't want to hurt him no keep him in place.

"Can guard the centre of this all...our smart, funny," don't say pretty," F-Fantastic girl who I am extremely sorry to have caused harmed to in the present or in the past and I swear on..." something not funny, "I swear on my grave that has already been dug. I remember what Green/Brown eyes over her told me. He told me I was digging my own grave. He told me that I was the one who was consumed by rage. He told me that he used to be like this. Consumed by insurmountable anger but that was enough to make me go back in,"

I turned to Ethan for help, but he looked utterly confused.

Hazel piped up suddenly out of the blue, "I remember,"

I turned to her again keeping my cool, my rage at bay my anger had no place here in this situation, there was a child clutched to her father sleeping. A wife concerned at the door. Recently, married I might add by the ring on her finger to my dear friend Ethan and there was as I have daubed him snake eyes. His name don't worry too much yet.

"What do you remember," be polite, "Hazel."

"I remember you and the letter incident it happened outside of Matilda Therdause's  office. Her hall, you," she pointed to snake eyes.

No tattoos unfortunately visible but there was a curling snake at the base of his Adam's apple. stubble didn't really change anyone much.

There was a whole of a piercing that had been removed at the lip, that was exposed.

Might I say on purpose.

Just enough to make me recognise.

Matilda, my therapists.

"You're her son."

"And the penny just dropped."


Trouble is coming will make more sense in Hazel's chapter but I hope you like it x 

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