Chapter Four- Trouble Is Coming...

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"We need to go now," I say as calmly as possible avoiding her emotionless eyes. Eyes filled with tears and pain.

"No," she harshly whispers.

"Hazel," I step closer she just edges backwards. 

"I'm nothing remember," every time she says that it hurts because I made her say that, I caused her to be like this, it was all me and I didn't even care.

"Stop saying that, " I cry out, the regret and guilt rushing through me like poison but it's not enough it will never be enough, I did this to her.

She coldly laughs, her eyes hollow no longer sparkling with mischief. "Finally feeling regret are we Adrian, ever heard the phrase too little too late? Why would you care anyway? I'm nothing to you if I died no one would care," She walks up to me her voice dark and icy, "I'm the girl nobody cares about, aren't I? I'm the nobody who everyone left. I'm the girl who cried her self to sleep every night, never living her life. I finally thought I had fixed myself but  I just screwed everything up by coming back, I thought I could face you but I can't because you broke me,"

Another gun shot echoes through the night air but she doesn't even flinch. Her stare set on me, still in a trance only seeing her hatred for me, the girl who was playing pranks is gone.

"Please Hazel, we need to leave this isn't some joke, these people are here to kill us," I beg.

"You mean you?" she hisses which stings because it's true, I've made too many enemies. 

"Give me one good reason why I should go with you? It's not like you care about anyone Adrian have you noticed how you destroy everything in your path?"

I don't know what to say, she won't listen to me and she's right I just destroy everything, and everyone, never feeling any remorse for anything I do,  so why now?

I say the only thing I can  think of, "If we don't leave now you won't ever get your revenge, I'll never get the pay back I deserve,"

"What?" she whispers the brightness of her light brown eyes returning a little, her features subtly etched with shock and confusion.

"I promise, if we leave now you can get your revenge on me," the desperation in my voice is clear why it's desperate, I can't say.

"Okay," she bit her lip, nodding slowly, "Rich boy," she adds, she knows I hate being called that. As we begin to run outside, more gun shots fire from the front of the house.

We're running to where I don't know, the night sky black looming eerily above us. I know exactly who is after me but Hazel can't know... I ruined her life so now I need to save it.

She gasps stopping abruptly at the back of the house.I stop too horror filling my face as I see the words I never wanted to see again painted in dark red across the wall, the paint still wet and dripping just like blood.

Trouble Is Coming...

"Hazel we need to get out of here, right now!" I grab her arm but she doesn't object as we run to my motor bike, she swings a leg over the bike grabbing the handles.

"I'm driving,"  She states simply, not waiting for an answer.What the hell? If this wasn't a life or death situation I would ask why but I just toss her the keys, getting on to the back of the bike.

"This is probably the first and last time I'll ever say this," she shouts as she ignites the engine. "Hold on tight,"

"I don-" I begin but fall forwards wrapping my arms around her as she sped off into the road.

I hear shouting and cursing as we ride off through the night, "He's getting away!" Hazel swerves around different cars and trucks as the faint sound of guns disappears.

"You sure as hell have a lot of people who hate you," She mutters. "To think you have that many enemies,"

"You included?"I ask.

"Yes, but for now you're right we need to get out of here," She takes a sharp right.

"You're not planning on murdering me too and dumping my body in the ocean are you?"

" No, not today anyway," Okay she's scaring me now. "I need that university placement, if you ended up dead what would your parents say," I totally forgot about that.

Her eyes are fixed on the road, "Where did you learn how to ride a motorbike?"

"I told you I tried fixing myself, well I did that by trying out different things, plus I passed my test and got a licence for riding this, something you don't have," How did she know that? Damn, she knows a lot about me and I hardly know her. 

"You only know my dark secrets other than that you know nothing about me and I know everything about you, I was such a nobody everyone would say stuff in front of me because they knew I wouldn't tell anyone or thought I wouldn't understand what they were saying, yeah I really was a  nobody," I stay silent, she knew I illegally rode a motorbike what else did she know?

Everything- apart from the meaning of the words painted across my house something I never spoke about.

"We're here," she says, "You can let go now," I do, getting off to glance at where we are. We're in a clearing at the opening of a small forest, it's not dark and eerie like the ones from horror movies it actually looks quite beautiful in the soft pale glow of the moonlight.

"Where are we?"I ask still looking around.

"Somewhere no one ever comes, seeing as we're being chased by murderers, because of you, I thought it was the only option." she breathes deeply, "This is the place I would come to hide from the world, cry without anyone knowing just clear my head. No one ever comes here because some kid spread a rumour that it was haunted and everyone stupidly believed it, but I'd rather face ghost then all the cruel people in this world," She sighed as she leant against a tree, closing her eyes for a moment before looking up again to see me staring.

She meant me.

Disappearing behind the tree she threw me a bottle of water and an apple,"Here, have this," she called.

"You kept food here?" I ask before hungrily biting into the apple, food has never tasted so good even if it is just an apple.

"Yeah, I used to disappear here for days away from all the social workers and other kids, just for a while," She said opening a packet of Sensations and eating a handful of crisps.

"Hey, I get an apple and you get crisps how's that fair," I whine like a five-year-old.

"Two reasons, one I'm meant to make sure you eat properly part of the job description and all, two revenge," a mischevious smile plays on her lips as continues to eat the crisps in my face. 

I groan," This is so unfair,"

"Life's unfair rich boy, deal with it like the rest of us," 

I feigned being offended, "That really hurt,"

"It was meant to," 

Note to reader:

What do you think, I know the whole she can ride a motorbike thing is kinda cliche because the good girl always ends up being able to do things like that, but Hazel's not a 'good girl' because she hates labels, she's not bad she's not good she's human, just like the rest of us.

Plus, any guesses why Adrian rides a motorbike illegally?

What does 'Trouble Is Comming' scare Adrian so much? What Trouble is coming?

It's no surprise people want him dead, he's an arrogant rich kid who made a lot of enemies, but why now?What has it got to do with Hazel? Remember he said well thought, ' I know exactly who's after me but Hazel can't know... I ruined her life so now I need to save it.'

Who else likes Sensations crisps?

Hope you have a lovely day!


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