Chapter 12-Ethan Fletcher

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What have I done?

That was the only thought that reverberated around my mind as the anger began to boil up. An uncontrollable rage overtook me as I slammed my fists into the closest tree.

I needed the emotional release so I continued to pound my fists into the tree over and over just to numb the pain. I deserved this. I deserved to hurt to feel the blood tricking down my palms and painting my skin a gruesome red. This is what I had done to her and I deserved it and so much worse. My breathing was shallow as I finally steeped back gazing at my cracked knuckles and blood splattered hands.

The anger had yet to subside still fuelling every movement and breath. It was only then I noticed someone watching I thought it was her ashamed I hid my hands behind my back not wanting her to see anything that reminded her of the pain and destruction I caused.

Someone else stood where I thought she'd be. Their face shadowed by the canopy of the leaves above. They were tall and lean but without being able to see their face unrecognisable.It could be anyone. It could be one of them.

"Who are you?"My voice pierced through the eerie silence that hung in the forest. I took a step forward my fist clenched with blood still dripping from them.

They repeated the same action stepping froward so that I would clearly see what they looked like. I felt the horror wash over my face as I recognised the piercing blue eyes before me. The splattering of freckles paired with a bed of brown hair that was longer than I had ever seen it before almost covering his eyes.

"Ethan?" I croaked my voice seemingly lost with all the emotions that seem to flood through. Anger, sadness, pain.

A sour humourless laugh echoed through the trees, "I'm surprised you even recognise me. Oh how you've changed Adrian Powers I don't think I've ever seen you this emotional. Anger was always your weakness wasn't it. A fuse ready to be lit with just one spark."

He edged closer to get a better look at my reaction, waiting for me to explode. I kept my emotions in check not letting him get the better of me. How the roles had reversed. "What are you doing here? Ethan you need to leave its not safe there are people-"

He cut me off, "Since when have you ever cared about anyone's safety other than yours? I'm not doing what you say anymore. You don't get to order me about. You're not in control anymore so shut it and listen to me."

I lowed my gaze ashamed of everything I had done to him. Everything he would accuse me off right now it was all true. Hazel, even though I hurt her the most, had been the one of many people I harmed just because I couldn't cope.

I didn't know what he was planning to do. The tone of his voice changed drastically more serious and blunt, "I remember everything you did. How you would hurt anyone and everyone you loved watching others suffer just because of all your pain. I experienced that first hand. You deserve everything that's coming to you." He paused his breath slightly shaky as he whispered, "But she doesn't,"

My eyes snapped upwards, trying to process what he had just said. "What do you mean Ethan? What's comming? Are you one of them?"

His expression morphed into one of disgust as anger flared in his icy blue eyes, "I may hate you but I hate them more. I would never join them not with what they are planning to do. No. Unlike you I don't intend to hurt people to seek revenge on those who have hurt me. I'm not here to fight you Adrian nor am I here to save you. I'm here to help Hazel. She can't get mixed up in this not again you owe it to her to help her. You and I both know she'll be safer with me."

The sincerity of his expression was undeniable and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't convince myself that he was wrong. She would be safer as far away from me as possible.

In one last futile attempt to convince myself that he was some how mixed up in this mess I asked, "And how do you know all this?"

He riding even hesitate to reply, "You seem to forget that I was the one you put up to the task of stealing the letter from Hazel and photocopying it just so you could tear up the one thing that mattered to her most," his accusing eyes bore on it me constantly trained on my expression, " I knew I couldn't just let you do that. So I read the letter too. I made two copies and kept one of the.I know why you don't want her to know and before you say anything no I won't tell her  that I know that is if you let me get her out of this mess."

My thoughts were ridden with confusion and shock. Ethan had read it too. So he must understand that Hazel can never know.

With a sigh I said, " You're right I dragged her into this mess and I'm going to get her out, " hesitantly I glanced back at the warehouse where Hazel was, "look after her Ethan Fletcher...please,"

He nodded.

I knew Hazel would go with him especially after everything that had happened over the past few days. He was also one of the few people that was nice to her. They used to be friends before. She would go with him and she would be fine all this I needed to deal with by myself.I didn't need to cause  her any more harm. I didn't need her with me.

Then why was it so hard to walk away.

That didn't stop a small part of me hoping that she would still stay with me run after me maybe...even if  it was just because she still wanted her revenge.

I turned to walk away I didn't need any sappy goodbye it would be better if I just left. She hated me more than she ever has right now anywath so I was more likely to get punched than have a a heartfelt goodbye.

I paused turning around one last time, "Tell her I'm sorry for everything."

Again he just worldlessly nodded as I turned away for good this time: the blood on my hands now dry.

Note to reader:

Hey, so I don't know how I feel about this chapter. I feel like its just like I just introduced a random character out of no where. So in future I may alter this chapter when editing. But Ethan is still an important character I just might change how much information is given whether I should add more to explain who he actually is. Let me know what you think.

Also I'm so sorry for this super late update. I really need to work on updating more.

Th a la for taking the time to read this and I hope you have a lovely day.

Lavender ❤

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