Chapter 16-Beg

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"Tell me more about her Adrian," the doctor leans forward to emphasise her interest and then her gaze steels on me. A flash of uncertainty before the next words fall from her mouth like silver bullets, "Why do you feel the need to hurt her?"

My fist clench and my nails dug into the flesh of my palm. The pain grounding me as my teeth grind against each other, "I don't need to tell you anything,"

Now she leans back with a swift smile on her lips. She places the pen and paper down.

"I'm just trying to help Adrian," I make a move to interrupt ready to spew out how much she has failed to help me. How I don't want to remember don't want to tell anyone about the sick pleasure I get from all the fear that ensues around me. That its the only thing I can control the fear around me.

"You're right that you don't have to tell me. I'm just trying to understand why your so fixated on her, on Hazel. There's a reason behind it," she lets her words hang in the air. Eyes trained on my movements on each twitch of any muscle. This is what she does what she's paid to do to read people like books. Then leave them on the shelve as she opens another book prying in places that don't belong to her.

"There's no reason I just hate her," I bluntly snap the words. Each a lie but hoping to throw her off. I don't want to be here. I don't want to know why I'm messed up. I don't want this stranger knowing why. She already knows too much.

After a long stretched out silence that pulls at the tension in the room she says decievingly calmly, "Does it have anything to do with your sister?"

"Wake up," the words are panicked and hurried as I'm pushed from my slumped positioning in the metal chair. Disorientated I look up into Ethan's worried eyes, still groggy with sleep I mutter, "What?"

He doesn't respond he merely steps back revealing the two men that dragged us in here.

They looked menacing with their faces still concealed and bodies heaving with rage in their hands I don't fail to see the black pistols.

Being the idiot I am I decide to rile them up, the sleep falling off of as easily as anything as I goad, "Ah Ryan how nice of you to visit me,"

He lets out what can only be described as a ravaging snarl as he steps forward, pointing the gun straight at me. It takes everything in me not to flinch at the sight of one. To be staring down a cavernous barrel that will only ever lead to darkness. That has always lead to inescapable darkness.

"Shut up," he spat with venom, "Don't give me a reason to shoot. You're still useful but as soon as you're not I'm first in line to wipe that smug face off of you,"

Ethan stands imobile next to me. His hands shake behind his back as his face pales. Looking so hollow and ghostly.

The other guy grabs him by the arm so quickly that I barely have time to react. Ethan cries out in agony as his thin arm is twisted behind him in an unnatural angle.

The pain scrunched up his face as his eyes glaze. He looks so utterly broken that he doesn't even try to struggle. His head just drops fixated on the filthy ground. Defeated. Fearful. Lost.

They control the fear in the room. Its so tangible that it can now be bent to the whims of our captors.

I make a move to help. Something over comes me with the need to do something to not stand here and watch someone who didn't even want to be involved in my mess but was. dragged away. I wouldn't let this happen again.

Ryan cocks his gun the click so audible in the silence that I stop and turn. Hatred burning like a steady flame in my body. Regniting as easily as flint to tinder.

"Stop this," I ground out of a clenched jaw my gaze locked with Ryan's all too lifeless eyes. How could this be the same person I went to school with?

"He did everything you asked you have me now so let him go," I all but beg.

The two men laugh at my futile bargin. At the slight shudder in my voice.

"Not so powerful now are you Powers?" more spiteful laughter as my head snaps to the man holding Ethan like a rag doll. He seems two seconds away from throwing Ethan to the ground. His voice is familiar again but I can't remember who that is. After a while everyone, just sounds the same. Every abhorrent voice just sounds like the same venomous hiss.

Ryan's laughter dies as he points his gun to the floor for a split second before training it back on me. Just above where my heart is slamming against my ribs.

"If your going to beg, at least do it properly," the words send chills down my back before his voice turns icy, "On your knees Adrian,"

My pride pushes me to say something to deny it. Ryan must notice it in my eyes.

"Now or your new friend over here gets it," to punctuate his point Ethan's captor grabbed a handful of Ethan's limp hair and wrenched his head backwards.

A tortured scream followed it as the first hot tear leaked from Ethan's eyes. He wasn't meant to be here. I thought. He wasn't made for this life and it's all my fault.

His pleading eyes locked with mine. And my pride died in the pit of my stomach.

With nothing left to say, much to the pleasure of my once loyal friends I slowly sunk to my knees. Losing my balance so they slammed to the ground. A shot of pain piercing through each leg. As contempt swirled in my eyes that stayed locked on Ryan's who had moved the gun to be trained right on my head. Between my eyes. A straight gunshot and I would be dead.

And I didn't even care anymore.

I saw one of Ethan's tears fall next to me its splashes slightly and my eyes once again drifted to his body writing in pain. It fell onto his neck where just under his shirt there were patches of green and blue reaching upwards. Like several snakes coiling to suffocate him.

This is my fault. This is my doing. And whatever they had in store for me. I would take it. All of it. Because I had already ruined too many lives.

Maybe I really did need to go.

I expected to be ordered to beg properly now that I was on my knees. Crumpled and defeated. Fallen from grace though I was never truly graced.

Dark strands of hair fell in front of my eyes as I snapped my eyes upwards at the words I didn't expect to hear, "Bring her in,"

What happened next was all a blur the door swung open and a girl walked in figure hunched and shaking uncontrollably. There were sobs as she made her way from the shadows an imposing figure lurking behind her. Remaining in the shadows.

She was shoved forward stumbling and crying into the dim light. A silver gun clung to her hand it shook. The light cast a ghostly glow on her. Revelaing her torn jeans and my hoodie wrapped around her.

My breath caught as despair reigned over me, "Hazel?"

Another scratched sob tore out of her as she looked from Ethan to me frantically eyes wavering and glassy. So breakable. So fearful. So dead.

She raised the gun to aim at my chest.

"I'm sorry."

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