First encounter

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Ashton POV

I remember the girl that I met at the doctor's office. She was so pretty, I liked her hair black curly hair with brown shining yet mysterious eyes full of something--- I can't tell what it is though. She was so nice to me but when she finds out what I did she would judge me and hate me forever. That is the only reason I go to therapy I wish I had the power to stop but I really didn't know what took over me at that time. I remember after that incident I became distinct from people- my band, my friends, my mom and basically the world.

"Ashton honey come eat" my mom called.

I walked down the hall and into the kitchen.

"Hun, what have you been thinking about?" My mom asked me bringing me my bowl of fried rice.

"Nothing" I said

"C'on you can't lie to me?"

"I am just thinking about the girl and how she would react if she found out my secret" I said

"Which girl?" She asked while sitting down on the chair beside me.

"The the the doctor's office" I said blushing

"Why would she ju- wait now I get it. You have a crush on her?" My mom

I blushed looking down at my now empty plate.

"No, nothing like that I just find her nice and a kind person"

"Mmhm keep saying that and maybe you will believe it one day" she said taking my plate then putting it one the sink.

My mom was a cool mom I guess. I was very open with her and we would tell each other everything. She was like my best friend. And no its not weird we just trust each other a lot and love each other too.

"Tomorrow, you will be going to the therapist again" my mom

I nodded

My mom looked at her phone.

"Oh shit, I am late" she said as she ran upstairs and came back with her bag.

"Bye hun, see ya tomorrow" she said kissing my forehead then leaving.

My mom worked really hard because of me and I feel so bad. She has to do night shift so she can take me to the therapist. She doesn't want me going there by myself. I really wish things would go back to how they were. I would just stay home and watch t.v or sleep or watch my band's videos. They are doing really well. I miss not being to travel to different countries and not being able to meet new fans. That stupid incident just had to happen and make me miserable. Great! Not the sarcasm. Well now, off to watch t.v. That same old story on repeat. I got up and made my way towards the living room, where my t.v was. I turned it on and look! Spongebob is on, great! This is the same episode, I watched today with Audrey. Oh no, I am thinking about her again. SNAP OUT OF IT, NOW! Just continue watching this show then soon it will be done and something else will come on. Oh, this is the part where she started to cry. I didn't like years streaming down her face, I wanted her to stop. When I asked her sh-- UGHH, STOP NOW. You know what I am changing the channel. Look, walking dead is on. I will just watch that I guess.

~~~~ THIRD POV~~~~~~~~~~

Ashton liked Audrey but is afraid to tell her. And I am happy since she is mine. I like her I alot so he can't have her. I don't want to have to kill him just like I killed anybody that came into my way. There is no way he can have her. AUDREY IS MINE AND WILL BE FOREVER! I liked the way she smiled, even though I haven't seen her smile for a while. BUT, when I saw her smile with that ASHTON LUNATIC! IT MADE MY BLOOD BOIL. How could she smile with him, her smile is mine. SHE IS MINE! NOBODY CAN HAVE HER! ONLY I WILL HAVE HER. I watch her everyday, since she moved here. I have been keeping an eye on her. I am her Angel keeping an eye on her, on her every move. No I am not some creeper, just her lover. I am her ONLY LOVER! AND IF ANYONE COMES BETWEEN HER AND I, THEY WILL DIE! Right now, I am sitting in my room looking at her pictures. God, her smile is killing. This kills me and makes me feel so alive. Oh, she is so beautiful and wonderful. I want her to be mine and with me forever. She just doesn't know I exist but I know she exists and that is all that is important.

Welp, the chapter has ended and OH MY, a cliffhanger. Please don't hate on me but I wonder who this third person is?

I know this is a short chapter but I hope you like it. I haven't gotten a lot of time because even though it's spring break my teachers gave me homework which is due online. So I am sorry

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