Stranger Danger

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~~~~a month later~~~~~~~~

Audrey POV

I am waiting for the bus. I saw the bus coming I got my pass ready to show the driver at the door. The bus stopped in front of me, the doors opened, and I entered showing them my pass. I sat down next in an empty chair. This guy got on as well and he stood next to me. He looks familiar, who is he? I just don't really bother about and continue looking out the window waiting for my stop. I kept having a feeling someone is watching me. The next stop was mine, I got up.

"Excuse me" I said to the guy.

"Oh, sorry" he said and smiled.

I smiled back. His smile was really interesting. I walked off the bus and made my way to the clinic. I love work, meeting new people its just amazing.

"Good morning, doctor" I said smiling.

"Good morning, Aubrey. You look very happy today. Anything interesting?" She asked me.

I shook my head.

"No, just happy to come to work" I said.

"I am proud of you. After everything you got yourself together" she said to me patting my back and smiling.

I smiled back.

"Who is my first patient for today?" She asked me.

"The first person is Ashton at 9:30" I said to her after checking the schedule on the desktop.

"Okay, when he is here send him inside" she said walking into her office.

I nodded. I sat down, I made calls for appointment checks til Ashton walked in.

"Hey I am here for my appointment" I looked up to see Ashton.

"Hi Yea walk right in. She is waiting for you" I said.

He walked towards the office but before he went in he turned around and winked at me. I blushed, awe he is so cute.

"You look pretty today" he said to me then walked inside.

I looked down at the keyboard and blushed. This is the first time someone complimented me after my sisters died. He is so cute and adorable. I got back to work. After three patients came in for there appointment, Ashton came out. He smiled at me then winked again.
"Today is a beautiful just like you"he said to me.

I smiled.

"Do you want to go get coffee after you are done work?" He asked me.

I stared at him. "Are you asking me out on a date?" I asked.

"Maybe, if you want to call it that" he said to me trying to act confident but his voice failing miserably.

I laughed. "Fine I will see you at 5 for this date" I said to him smiling. Now it was my turn to wink at him. After I winked his mouth was left open. "Close you mouth before you catch a fly" I said smirking

~~~~~~~Third POV~~~~~~~~

I can't believe this I was listening to Audrey and that boy's conversation and he asked her out. How could he! She is mine! I had to make my move or else that person would steal her away. Tomorrow is Saturday so I will send her a bouquet and a card with expressing my feelings but not telling her my name. That will leave her in curiosity and I will be the only person on her mind, not that ASHTON! Also I need a disguise for tonight then I will be able to listen to their conversation. I ran to the store next door and bought some wigs, some glasses, and some facial hair. By the time I came back, Ashton had left but Audrey was blushing a lot.

~~~~~ Ashton POV ~~~~~~~~

Thing have gotten way better with me. I feel like Audrey is the reason behind that. She makes me smile and forget about what I did. Maybe I should tell her about my past buy can I trust her? Hmm, going to ask my mom.

I got home and saw my mom on the couch watching t.v. She doesn't come with me anymore since I told her that I can go by myself.

"Hey mum" I said sitting next to her.

"Hey hun" She said to diverting her eyes from the t.v. to look at me.

"Mum, do you think I should tell Audrey about my past?" I asked her.

She turned off the t.v and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Hmm, why ask that all of a sudden? You like her?" She said to me with a wink.

"Ahh, WHAT! NOOO!! why would you say that?" I asked scratching the back of my neck.

My mom, smiled and opened her mouth to talk.

"Do you think that you can trust her?" She asked me.

"I don't know, she looks like she will like me even after. She has her own scars, so why would she judge me, right?"

"If you think that, then go ahead." My mom said.

Then she pulled me into a hug.

"I think she will like you no matter what happens, if she doesn't then she isn't the one." She whispered into my ear.

I nodded. I loved my mom's scent. I took it in while hugging her.

"Thanks mom, for supporting me no matter what" I said smiling into her shoulder.

We pulled apart and she had tears in her eyes.

"I am so happy for you. You are trying to put your past behind and start all over." She said whipping her tear.

"Thanks mom. Now! Let's watch a movie" I said grabbing the remote and putting the duff on. It is a weird movie buy who doesn't like it.


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