The chase 2

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~~Ashton POV~~~~~

We had looked around everywhere I'm the house. We couldn't find Audrey anywhere. We searched in each and every room but nothing. We didn't move anything from its place though since the police might be able to find finger prints that could give us a lead. We didn't find out about anything. That is when the police came. Sarah and I walked away, outside the house. We sat down on the front stair steps.

"I hope we find her soon." I said.

"We will just have faith." She said hugging me.

"We should go to the hospital." Sarah said getting up.

I followed her. She told her team that they contact her as soon as they find out anything. Then we drove of to the hospital.

~~~~ Hospital ~~~~~~~~

As soon as we got to the hospital. I ran outside and into the hospital. Sarah trailed behind me.

"Two people just came about 15 minutes ago. Both of them were ladies. Where are they now?" Sarah asked the receptionist.

"Who are you?" asked the receptionist.

"Police." Sarah replied showing her badge.

The receptionist quickly checked the computer.

"Third floor to the right. One of them is in the operating room and another one just finished her operations." The receptionist said.

I ran to the stairs and climbed up to the third floor. I didn't even wait for Sarah. I walked down the hallway to see my mom sitting on the chair. I ran up to her. My mom looked up. She had been crying.

"What happened?" I asked her.

I sat down next to her and she just hugged me.

"Mrs. Hood............she is no more." My mom said will her head was in my neck.

I patted her back. Tears were streaming down my face. Sarah came too.

"I think we should call her son." She said.

I looked up and nodded. Suddenly my mom got up.

"No!" She said loudly.

I was confused.

"" before she could finish she started to cry hysterically.

Sarah came close to her and hugged her. I joined in the hug as well.

"He is her killer." My mom said still crying.

My eyes widen.

"What?" I asked as I moved away fro. The hug.

My mom looked up at me and sat down.

"She abandoned him after she found out what Calum did to you. She knew he was evil so she changed her name and started to live a new life. But then she met Calum....... And happened." My mom said.

"We need to find him." Sarah quickly added.

I was still in shock that he was a killer. He was my best friend. Why would he do this?

"Most of the times people do this because they have been through things when they are younger. He could be a physo path." Sarah replied.

I came back to earth.

"You said your thoughts out loud." She smiled at me.

I looked down at the floor kind of embarrassed.

"We have to find Claim before he hurts other people and Audrey." I said changing the topic.

Sarah nodded. "We have to think if a place where he could have taken her." She said.

"What about his house?" I said.

"Let's go!" Sarah said as I ran behind her.

We ran to the car and made our way to his house. Sarah turned off the car and we got out. I knew where he kept his extra keys. I ran up the front stairs and saw the flower pot near the door. I picked up the pot and saw the key under it. I picked up the key and inserted it into the key hole. The door clicked open and we tip toed inside. Sarah took out her gun and I stayed behind her. I grabbed the baseball bat he always kept behind the sofa. He wasn't anywhere here. We tip toed upstairs. I pointed to Calum's room. Sarah nodded. I opened the closed door to find nothing there. No one was in here. I opened the closet door and searched through the clothes. As I was doing that I saw something shining. I threw out all the clothes and saw a door. I tried to open it but it won't open. I pressed some random numbers on the key pad but nothing happened. Then I pressed the date of the time when we made the band. It still didn't open. I typed out the date of Audrey's sisters death. Still nothing. Then I typed Audrey's birthday.....and of course it opened. Wow! He must really like her then why did he kidnap her. The way his brain works is so confusing. It opened. Sarah was standing behind me. This is secret room that I never saw. We both walked inside. It smelt really weird.

"Here wear this." Sarah said as she handed me a mask.

I grabbed it and put it in quickly.

"We will be safe from any dangerous gasses." She said.

I nodded. Suddenly smoke started to fly everywhere. I couldn't see anything. I started to wave my hands in front of NY face trying to get rid of the smoke. Then the smoke stopped. I looked around to find Sarah gone.

"Sarah!" I said.

I looked for her everywhere but couldn't find her. I was kind of scared now. I continued walking when I tripped over something. I looked down to see a shoe laying on the floor. I bent down to see the shoe stained with something red. I touched it..... It looked like blood. I dropped the shoe and backed away quickly. I was so scared. Then I heard my name.


It sounded like Audrey. I got up rapidly and ran towards the voice. But there was no more shouting. I continued to walk straight. I came near a door. I turned the door knob and walked inside. It was a small dark room. Suddenly a light opened. I was blinded for a second then I saw someone tied up in a chair. The chair was in the middle of the room. I walked towards the chair slowly. As I walked closer I saw Sarah beaten up. She was conscious. I mean to her and untied her.

"Can you get up?" I asked her as I trued to help her get up.

She got up then let go of my support. She wobbled on her feet. Before she could fall I caught her. I made her walk towards the chair and sat her down.

"" Sarah said.

I nodded.

"I will with you."

"Just.....go!" She screamed

Before I went of she grabbed my shirt and whispered into my ear.

"I will call for backup. Advert his mind, he has cameras everywhere." She said.

I ran around. Now I was in another room. Immediately the door closed behind me.

"I have been waiting for you." A voice said.

I looked around trying yo find the person with that voice. But there was no one around.

"Haha. You are such a loser." Said the voice.

"Calum, why are you doing this?" I asked

"You know exactly why?" He said.

Promptly the light turned on and out came Calum. He was laughing. I glared at him.

"I really don't know! Why are you doing this?" I asked

"Everything is your fault. You took away everything from me." He screamed.

Therapy - Ashton Irwin (AU)Where stories live. Discover now