Just a Dream

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We were standing on the cliff enjoying the view of the ocean.

"This is so beautiful" Cat said to me.

"I know, this is probably the best summer ever" I said.

"Yea, I can't believe mom actually let us do this" Fay added.

I nodded and went back to enjoying the scenery. This is our last summer together before Cat is off to Australia to study Law, I am going to Ontario to study in Waterloo University, and Fay is going to travel the globe and save animals in danger. We are all reaching ours goals.

"This is it" I said as we watched the Sun set above the ocean.

They nodded. We heard foot steps coming towards us.

"Mom, look this is so beautiful" Fay said.

We got no answer instead we heard a scream, Fay's scream. I turned around to see a man with a black hat and a black coat about to push Cat off the cliff who was trying to look for Fay. I pushed the man away from my sister Cat but not before he pushed her too. I landed on top of him as he landed on the ground laughing. He laughed then pushed me of off him and ran away. I got up not running after him but trying to find my sisters.

"Cat! Fay!" I got no answer.

I saw something in the ocean floating. Then I heard crying coming from the bottom of the cliff. I ran down quickly to find my mom on the ground crying and screaming. I went closer to see Cat's bloody body lying next to my mom near the cliff. My mom's clothes were stained with blood. Warm liquid started to fall out of my eyes and on to my cheeks. Next I heard my name being called faintly. I turned around to find a person flinging their arms up and down scaredly in the ocean. I ran toward the water to find Fay in the water. She doesn't know how to swim. I smiled a little to see one of sister is still alive but about to die if I don't hurry up. I was about to jump in the water when a large Killer Whale jumped up in the air and ate my sister right in front of my eyes.

"No!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I went down on my knees.

I was being strong not letting the tears fall but now I don't care. I let the tears fall carelessy from my eyes as the images of my sister's came to my mind. They kept repeating like a broken record.


"Ahhhhh" I screamed a I got up from my bed sweating.

My bedroom door opened and my mom walked in turning on the lights.

"Same nightmare?" She asked.

I nodded. My mom made her way towards me and sat down on my bed. She pulled me into a hug.

"Oh honey, I know you miss them alot but you need to try to forget about them. I mean it's been three years since the incident and you are still having night mares about it." She said still hugging me.

I pulled away rapidly.

"No mom! I can't forget them. They were my sisters, I loved them and still do. I don't care how long it has been since they left but they were my sisters and I miss them beside me!" I said to her with anger.

More tears were threatening to fall from my ryes and this time I didn't stop them I let them fall carelessly. My mom sighed.

"Dear, I know how you feel. I loved them to but I knew I had to be strong for you and keep going on. I was broken too. No mom wants to see her daughter die right in front of her eyes. But I kept going on for you and I want you to understand that I loved them as much or even more then you did. Why? Cuz I was their mother, I kept them in my stomach for 9 months and I took care of them til now." My mom said as tears started to roll down her eyes.

I hated to see my mom cry. I wiped her tear and pulled her into a hug. She hugged me back but still didn't stop crying. We sat in silence and I thought about how all of this affected us and maybe if there was a way to catch that person. The police did try but they didn't find anything, eventually they closed the case though I can't forget that sight and now I will find that man by myself. I don't care where I have to look for him but I will find him and make him pay for this. For what he did to me and my mom. He ruined our family, our once happy and incredible life was ruined because of some maniac.

"Mom, I am sorry. You are right maybe I need to move on. That was the past and this is the present" I said to her.

She pulled away then smiled. She kissed my forehead.

"Audrey, I know it will be hard for you since they were your sisters but for me just give it a try. Try your best to live a better life, a life your sisters would have wanted for you. They wouldn't be happy if they saw you like this. Throwing away your career and life that you've been dreaming since you were younger." She said before tucking me in bed.

"Thanks mom, and I will try harder and better. I will try to make my life like I wanted it to and I want give up" I said to her with a determination look on my face.

She smiled and turned off the lights then left to try to go back to sleep. I know how hard she works. She even puts up with me even though she has to wake up every night cuz of me and my nightmares. She could have broken down and gave up on her life, on me but she didn't. She held strong for me. I love her. So just for her sake I am going to try harder

I couldn't go back to sleep as I was too scared. I didn't want to have the same nightmare again. I got up and opened my window then walked outside to get some fresh air. I am going to try for my mother. I sat down on the chair thinking about life and how that one day before summer was over changed everything. I lost my two older sisters, my friends and my dreams. I am nothing now.


"Honey breakfast is ready to eat" mom said from said.

I hurried downstairs after getting dressed and fixing my bed. I sat down on the chair as my mom put a plate with toast and orange juice in front of me and she sat down in front of me eating her toast.

"Mom, I am ready" I said

"Huh?" She said as she put down her toast and looked up.

"Remember, I said I will try again and better. Well I remember you talking about a job at your friends if it is still valid then I would like to apply"

"Really?" Her face lit up. "now honey, you don't have to if you don't want to"

"No mom, I thought about it last night and I think you are right I mean I need to move on right even if it can be difficult but if I don't try then I will never know, right?" I said smiling .

She smiled back and reached for my hand and squeezed it.

"I am proud of you"


Chapter 1 published YAS I have gotten it together and done procrastinating

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