Truth is revealed

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Calum POV

I came out in front of Ashton. I wanted to see him suffer just like I suffered because of him.

"Everything is your fault. You took away everything from me." I screamed at him.

"How?" He asked me.

"You took away my dad from me!"

"No I didn't." He said.

"Yes you did. Just because my dad and your mom used to date and she got pregnant with you. When my dad found out he left me and my mom for you and your mom. My mom hated me because she thought it was my fault he left." I said.

"What?" He asked shocked.

"My mom hated me! She tortured me everyday. The first time she saw me she said "Get that thing out of my life"." I screamed.

"That is when I decided to kill my dad. From that day on, every time I saw a person left someone alone, I would kill them. But not before I would torture them. Torture them so they know how it feels to be left behind. So they can feel all the pain that the person went through"

"But why did you kill Audrey's sisters?" He asked me.

"Well you see I liked Audrey a lot and Fay came in the way since she liked me. I wanted to let her down easy but she just won't listen. Eventually she lost her life." I said to him.

Ahh that sight of them bleeding and crying was so funny. I loved it.

"And Cat?" He asked.

"You ask so many questions!" I said rolling my eyes.

Immediately I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him.

"Though I will tell you since I am going to kill you." I said laughing.

"Cat had a lover. A boy liked her and she kept blowing him off. Just because of that he committed suicide. So I killed her."

"Where is Audrey?"

"Well right here." I said clapping once.

The light turned on and shined brightly on Audrey. He ran up to Audrey and started to shake her so she will wake up.

I laughed.

"Haha, don't worry. She isn't dead."

"You make me sick." He said to me.

I laughed. "And you make me sick!" I snarled back.

"But soon you will die and she will be mine." I said.

I laughed hysterically.

Just then the police came. They forced me on my knees and took the gun away from me. 

"Let me go!" I said.

"Calum Thomas Hood, you are under arrest for murdering, capturing and torturing people. You have the right to remain silent." The police officer behind me said as he hand cuffed me.

I looked up to see Ashton laughing.

"Now you will have a lot of time in jail." He said to me.

I glared at him. I jumped away from the police and on top of Ashton. I started to attack him. Ashton pushed me down. I heard someone scream stop. I looked up to see Audrey standing and telling us to stop fight. I smiled at her. She looks amazing. I got up and hit Ashton. I kept punching him. Ashton was lying on the ground while I got up. I was looking for a gun, I knew I was going to die so before that why don't I kill someone else. Enjoy the suffering of someone else. That is when I heard a gun shot. Everything froze. I fell to the ground on both of my knees slowly. I looked around to see everyone's eyes widen and screaming. I looked down at my chest to see blood oozing out of my chest. Pain shot up everywhere in my body. I didn't cry or scream. I stood still, just stood there. I smiled and blinked once. I looked up to see Audrey with a gun in her hand.

"Thanks," I whispered.

I looked down again. The police man came and captured me. I heard them screaming but I couldn't hear a thing. The only thing I was looking at was Audrey. I saw her fall on the ground as the gun fell out of her hand. I saw Ashton run up to her as she cried in his shoulders. The paramedics came running trying to stop the blood, but I knew this was the end. I knew that they couldn't save me. I started to laugh.

"I love you, Audrey." I screamed one last time.

I closed my eyes while smiling. I let out a deep sigh and soon everything went black.

~~~~~ A year later ~~~~~~~~

Audrey POV

It has been a year. I have had difficult times after that. Calum had raped me and I was pregnant with his child. It was true that i hated Calum. He ruined my perfect family. He took away my sisters from me. I wasn't going to forgive him. He was a crazy maniac that needed help. Sadly, Calum was saved but he is spending his whole life in the prison. He is even getting therapy for the while crazy murder thing he does. After I had shot Calum, I cried alot. After a while, i ended up fainting and found myself in the hosoital.The paramedics had to take me to the hospital. Luckily I was totally fine just had bruises on my body that could be healed easily. Sarah was promoted from just an officer to a chief. We had dinner together and celebrated. Though my mom was so upset to find out her love Katerina lied to her. My mom felt so sad that even though she was lied to, she really likrd Katerina. Finally, everything was going the way it should. My mom and Ashton's mom bought a house together after both of them sold the houses. The house was so big like the first day I actually got lost when we went to see it together before buying the house. Ashton and I started dating. It was so cool to be able to finally have a relationship. I was so happy that the revenge for my sisters was over and my heart was at rest now. I felt so happy when I was with Ashton. Yet, he was still shy and didn't make that many first moves. It was all the way it should be. Even after the ups and downs we were able to look forward and carry on. Ashton, Luke, and Michael had connected again. They had become friends and were always hanging out. I gained friends too while I was studying. I am still studying, though I am a part time student now since I am one the students chosen for a job. I am working for one of the biggest physiological hospitals in Australia. That was one of the best things that happened to me but obviously the first was meeting Ashton. The love of my life. Everything in my life was normal or at least the way it should be except missing my sisters. Ashton doesn't need that much therapy anymore. He doesn't have nightmares anymore. That is really good. We live together but in different rooms. This is what I wanted and I have got it. I feel like my sisters are at peace now. This means that I can live my own life to the fullest.


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