Session #18 - Beyond the Heart

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Omen: "Hello fuckers, missed me?"

With his left hand, Omen released the White Mask that he just impaled with his knife, letting the lifeless body limping with blood spurts and pouring down like a waterfall. Omen looking at the knife, seconds later he sticks his tongue out and licking the blood that covered his knife. Some of the White Masks looking at him with disgust.

Meanwhile the White Masks are looking at Omen with awe and disgust, suddenly one of them pulls the trigger of his rifle. Even before he could touch the trigger, Omen pulls his another knife and throws it right into the man's skull. He throws it so fast and strong that makes the knife impaled at the man's forehead.

Omen: "He tried to shoot me, what an idiot."

Omen raises his hand and points his index finger towards Solomon.

Omen: "You choosed the wrong men, taking these idiots to kill me?"

Solomon just fell silent, he tighten his grip at his M249.

White Mask: "Your orders, boss?"

Solomon didn't answer his question. Solomon raises his M249, aiming at Omen. Upon seeing this, Omen lets out a devilish grin, his tattoo and his left eye glows even brighter.

Omen: "Poor choice."

Solomon: "LIGHT HIM UP!!!!!!!!"


Just outside the building, a defense perimeter has been built with a mixture of armed forces, tactical police, and paramedics. In one of the medical tents, Dokkaebi and Jäger's wound are being treated with Ace and Thatcher sitting worriedly, watching the building where they left Omen behind. Suddenly one of the paramedics comes out from the tent, poking Thatcher's shoulder.

Thatcher: "What is it, lass?"

Paramedic: "Two of your operatives just woken up, you might want to see them."

Thatcher nods.

Thatcher: "Okay, I'll be there in a sec. You coming, lad?"

Ace: "Yeah."

Ace and Thatcher stand up and enter the medical tent. Dokkaebi and Jäger are lying in nearby cot, adjacent to each other.

Thatcher: "You two okay?"

Jäger: *groans* "Yup, never been better in my life before."

Dokkaebi: "Shut the fuck up, Marius."

Ace punch Jäger playfully on his shoulder.

Jäger: "Ouch, that's hurt."

Dokkaebi and Ace laughed, Jäger and Thatcher just let a small chuckle.

Dokkaebi: "Hey Mike, where's Josh?"

Suddenly the laughs has stopped, with Ace and Thatcher exchanging a mixture of confused and pitiful look. Thatcher touches Dokkaebi's shoulder.

Thatcher: "He's still inside the building, he holds off the White Masks so we could evacuate you two."

Suddenly silence emerges from the room, slowly but steadily Dokkaebi tries to get up from the cot she's resting to. Only to meet Thatcher trying to hold her.

Thatcher: "What are you trying to do, Grace?"

Dokkaebi just fell silent, not knowing what to respond.

Dokkaebi: "Let me go, Mike."

Thatcher: "Don't be stupid, you know I won't let you."

Dokkaebi then puts her hands onto Thatcher's hand that restraining her, trying to pry it on to escape his gasps. Realizing her efforts are nothing, she looks down into her own hands.

Thatcher: "I know what you thinking, he's strong. Just pray he'll make it."

Dokkaebi just nods. Suddenly Thatcher flinched, he looks down into his hands that holding Dokkaebi, he could feel something wet hitting his hands. Those are tears, Dokkaebi is crying. Realizing what just happened, he pats Dokkaebi's back.

Thatcher: "So, do you like him?"


Sound of explosion, guns blazing, and White Masks screaming echoed in the building. Color red of blood painting the building walls.


Omen: "I don't think so."

Solomon takes out his grenades and pull their pins, throwing them to Omen. With a quick dash and quick slash with his bayonet knife, he slashed one of the grenades and quickly evades the explosions. The White Masks still emptying their gun's magazine on Omen. But their effort was in vain, with his speed and agility Omen could evade almost all of them.

Omen: "Is that all you got?"

Omen lets out a maniacal laugh, he licks the blood that has splattered on his knife. He dashed forward, to find some White Mask taking cover and shooting at him. With a quick sweep and slash with his bayonet, and also a few rounds from his beloved G18 Glock, he slaughtered them.

A few moments later, the room was completely silent. With White Mask dead bodies piling everywhere. Only left the two "brothers" to face each other.

Solomon pulls out his M249 again, he tried to pull the trigger, only to be met with crisp sound of empty magazine and chamber. Click click. Nothing comes out from the barrel. The same goes with Omen, his G18 has run out of ammo.

Solomon: "AAARGH FUCK THIS!!!"

Solomon throws his weapons, leaving him unarmed, he intended to continue the fight with fists. He dashed towards Omen. Once again with his devilish grin, he also dashed out towards Solomon.

Fist by fist were launched, flurry of kicks can be seen used in the fights. Their power are on par, but Omen was faster. Some of his attacks lands successfully on Solomon's body.

Solomon: "So this is how you've become, Wraith? Has grown some love on your vessel huh?"

Omen: "Love? Give me a fucking break. I'm just using his body. When the time comes, I'll take over his body."

Blood pouring from Omen's body, some of the White Masks gunshots has landed successfully on him. With his stamina and enhanced body he can sustain it. Not to mention his rapid healing ability. But to say he's invincible is an understatement. His body has flaws too.

Omen takes a step back, he unsheathe his knife. With a quick motion he dashed towards Solomon, trying to stab him in the neck. Unaware of the situation, Solomon tries to parry the attack, only to meet the knife on his throat.

Fresh blood pouring from Solomon's throat, unable to say anything but sounds like a people is being strangled and gasps.

Omen: "Tell this to your so called family, Wraith has returned."

Omen takes one of the White Mask's grenade and pulls it's pin. He throws it onto Solomon.

Omen: "On second thought..."

He walks towards the building exit. Seconds later, an explosion coming. Omen looks back at Solomon's remains.

Omen: "Maybe not..."

Just a step away from the exit, he stopped.

Omen: "You should thank me because I just helped you, it will hurts like hell. See you around."

The glow that comes out from his left arm tattoo and his left eye slowly fading away. His consciousness is also slowly fading away. Leaving him unconscious on the floor. A faint sound of a woman screaming his name can be heard before Omen passed out.

???: "JOSH!!!!!!!!"


Next Session – Puzzle Pieces

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