Session #8 - Hard Luck Woman

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"'I like the Walrus best,' said Alice: 'because you see he was a LITTLE sorry for the poor oysters.' 'He ate more than the Carpenter, though,' said Tweedledee."


Omen activates his gadget.

Lion: *shocked* "Just what the fuck are you?"

Omen: *smirks* "You'll see. And now... Let's dance"


Omen activates his gadget, the Thermoptic Camouflage System, or TCS Mk - II, rendering his body almost completely blurred and invisible, blending with his surroundings. Omen reaches his G18 Glock, and rushed to the site.

Omen: "Lion, go to somewhere safe, take cover, and make your drone to follow me."


Omen: "Just follow what I said. Are there any defenders nearby?"

Lion: "Negative, just proceed to the site. Don't forget to clear the EDDs and proximity alarms."

Omen: "Got it."

Omen walks into the site, clearing all the EDDs, proximity alarms, and some cameras. He sweeps every cover he met and every corner he sees. He sees Rook prone at the edge of the site. He immediately shoots Rook. It's 2 vs 2.


Doc: "I don't know, I got nothing from the cameras. Vigil, got something?"

Vigil: "Nothing."

Doc: "Understood, stay put."

Vigil: "Okay."

Omen: "On your left, mon ami (my friend)"

Doc: "WHA-"

Suddenly Omen deactivates his "cloak" and shoots Doc from behind. It's 2 vs 1

Omen: "Site's cleared, no signs of Vigil here. I'm gonna plant the defuser. Please scan."

Lion: *activates EE-ONE-D* "Getting us more intel. TARGET LOCATED! OMEN, YOUR LEFT!!!"

While planting, Vigil throws his impact grenade to the wall that next to Omen's left side. Startling Omen, he reaches his G18 and shoots towards the source of the explosion. Vigil jumps to the nearby cover, he peeks and shoots towards Omen that has been taking cover.

Lion: "Have you planted the defuser?"

Omen: "Not yet, Vigil has joined my party earlier."

Lion: "Merde! Should I come?"

Omen: "That would be helpful."

Lion rushes to the site, but Vigil manages to shoot him from the cover he's been hiding. It's 1 vs 1.


Omen: "Understood."

Omen looks at his cloak timer, he only has 2 seconds of his cloak left. He throws his flashbang and proceeds to plant the defuser. He hears Vigil peaks, shoots, then runs towards Omen.

Omen: *stopped planting the defuser* "It's payback time."

Omen activates his cloak, and shoots Vigil who's running towards him. Eliminating Vigil.

Announcer: "OPFOR eliminated, mission has been successful. Attacker wins."


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