Session #2 - The Hunting Party

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BEEP BEEP BEEP! Dokkaebi's alarm rangs. It's 6 in the morning.

Dokkaebi: *rubs her eyes and yawns* "Fuckin' hell..."

Dokkaebi gets up, take her towel and proceeds to the bathroom. Suddenly she heard something from the speaker that linked to the Six's office.

Speaker: "Specialist Caveira, Warden, Ying, Glaz, Dokkaebi, Jäger, and Doc. Please report to my office in 30 minutes."

Dokkaebi: "Not even breakfast huh? Fuck you White Mask..."

Dokkaebi then take a shower, dressed up, and then proceeds to the Six's office, the other operators have gathered in the room.

Ying: "Haiya, what's so important that makes us debrief this early."

Jäger: *yawns*"I know, right? I don't even have breakfast yet"

Warden: "I bet it was the White Masks."

Jäger: "No shit, old man."

Warden just chuckled after he hears what Jäger said.

Harry: "I'm sorry to debrief you all this early, but we just got a situation. I just received words from our field guys and they just found a White Mask hideout in Newcastle upon Tyne."

Jäger: "What in the actual fuck they do there? Protesting Mike Ashley? Raiding a Sport Direct store?"

The operators and Harry just stare at Jäger with confusion.

Jäger: "None of you watches the Premier League huh? I'm sorry then."

Harry: "It's not exactly like that, Marius. They just built a small base there just to accommodate their operations in northern England."

Warden: "If it's just a small base, why don't we just let the SAS handle them?"

Harry: "The truth is, the higher-ups didn't want us to involved. But I just a had hunch."

Doc: "Hunch?"

Harry: "Yes, I feel he will appear this time, so I told them to let team Rainbow to handle this operation."

Glaz: "He?"

Caveira: "Omen."

Harry: "That's right, so we will be commencing this operation to wipe the White Masks and then catch this guy."

Warden: "To hit two birds with one stone, charming."

Harry: "Operation commencing in 1 hour, pack your gears and be ready. Taina will take charge of this mission, Marius will fly you there, and Doc will provide backups and meds if necessary. Any question?"

Dokkaebi: "Can we have our breakfast first? I'm hungry."

The other operators chuckled.

Harry: "Yes you can, Grace. And for the mission, good luck."

The operators leave the room. Harry stops them.

Harry: "One more thing, please bring him here. ALIVE"

Harry said that while looking at Caveira. Caveira just grinning.

Harry: "Good luck operators, dismiss."

The operators leave the room, leaving Harry alone.

Harry: *walks to a chess table and moves a black pawn and white knight* "So, what will be your next movement, Omen?"


At the cafeteria, Dokkaebi brings her food tray and a glass of white tea. The menu was buckwheat pancakes, sausages, spinach and cheese omelette, greek salad, and assortments of fruits. There's just a few of operators and some recruits at the cafeteria eating and chatting with each other. She sees a table with 3 women and 1 man sitting there.

The Duality of Man - a Rainbow Six Siege FanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu