Session #1 - From the Shadows

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Bang! The stranger shoots one White Mask member.


Bang! The stranger shoots another White Mask member.

"Everything could happen in our life, either it was good or bad, those events came with one or many signs that we can saw or feel."

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" The White Mask lieutenant asking the stranger who has been killing 10 White Masks alone. He saw the stranger holster his pistol and proceeds to unsheathe his knife.

"NO PLEASE NO-AARRGHH!!!!" one of the White Masks got his throat slitted by the stranger, the White Mask that just been killed is fluttering, just like a fish who just got off out of water.

"When those signs are coming upon us, all we could do are just praying and hoping..."

The stranger proceeds to kill three White Masks more with his knife.

"Please don't kill me, I'LL GIVE YOU EVERYTHING!!!!"

"That those signs are not a bad omen."

Knowing his life is in danger now, the White Mask lieutenant starts to say anything that could at least save his life.

The stranger sits on a table, playing with a coin with his fingers. He seems doesn't care what the White Mask lieutenant said before.

"You talk too much"

"What? NO PLEASE NO!!!" The stranger proceeds to pull the lieutenant's hair and drag his body to a table.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt" The stranger strokes his knife's dull end to the White Mask's lieutenant.

Slash! The stranger cuts the White Mask lieutenant's tongue with his knife and stabbed him in the throat.

Suddenly, the stranger is aware that he's being watched by a camera. The stranger just stood there, glaring at the camera, and then leave the room.

The video stops

Harry: "Apparently, we have some sort of anti-hero who just wiped an entire White Mask's base alone with nothing but a pistol, SMG, a long-ass knife. Motives? Still unknown. As long as we know this guy is operating alone and no back-ups whatsoever."

Ela: "And why he would he did that? Look at him, just mumbling about 'signs' and shit then proceeds to slaughter an entire base of White Masks, not even asking about intel or whatever."

Blackbeard: "This guy is just pure maniac, this looks personal."

Bandit: "Scheiße, Craig's right, this is personal."

Caveira: "Or maybe just a soldier of fortune..."

Ash: "Any intel or files that we can read boss? Little insights will be useful."

Harry: "I'm sorry but this is all we can get from this incident, just a video and a set of photos from the base he just raided."

Harry then proceeds to spread a file of pictures of the unknown guy. The operators take the pictures and then examined them.

Harry: "I'll try to contact our friends in Langley and MI6 about this man. As long as we know, this guy is just patrolling around and kill some White Masks, no reports about civilian casualties near the White Mask base he just raided."

The Duality of Man - a Rainbow Six Siege FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz