Session #11 - Definitely Maybe

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???: *poking Omen's cheeks* "Wake up! WAKE UP!"

Omen slowly wakes up, he found himself tied on a chair with his legs handcuffed to its front legs and both of his hands handcuffed on his back.

Omen: "Fuck...."

???: "Welcome back to the base, traitor."

Omen: "What?"

As he wakes up, he sees almost all of the Rainbow's operators are gathering around him, watching him tied to the chair.

Omen: "The fuck is you lot doing here? Why I'm tied here?"

As Omen finishes his words, a punch arrived to his stomach.

Omen: "FUCK!"

Thatcher: "We're the ones who will ask the questions, not you."

Omen: "For fuck's sake it's the second time!"

Caveira: *places her knifes to Omen's throat* "We're wasting time here, let's just kill him already."

Omen: *chuckles* "My answer still stands, Ms. War Paint. Kill me and you will get nothing. I'm a dead guy already."

Caveira: "Oh yeah? Your bluffing won't work this time. Josh."

Ash: "Hold it, Taina. We still need him alive. At least for now."

Omen: "What do you want from me now?"

Ash: "Tell us who you were and what the hell are you. The truth. We want the truth."

Omen: "I'd rather die than tell you fuckers who I was!"

Caveira: "That won't work, Liza. Better we just kill him already!"

Caveira walks into Omen's front. She unsheathes her knife and swings it to Omen's neck. Just before the knife landed on Omen's neck, Harry walks into the room, stopping Caveira. The other operators flinched and make way for Harry.

Harry: "Maybe it is the time you open about yourself, Josh."

Omen: *sighed* "Okay fine"

Ash: "Now talk."

Omen: "I'm subject J-zero-five-one-four-H, codename JOSIAH. That's the only name I got from the ones who made me. In fact, I'm not a human."

Most of the operators are surprised and dumbfounded, even Mute and Vigil.

Omen: "I'm a replicant, a genetically engineered, bio-enhanced person. For short, I'm a super soldier. I was created by the White Mask scientists in order to assist them in their fights. For years, I've fought with them. Killing innocents and whoever the Masks ordered me to kill. I've programmed by them to obey my protocol whatever the situation is. Until that time... Until I know their real motives."

Ela: "How did you learn the Masks' real motives? Didn't you just tell that you were programmed to obey all of your protocols whatever the situation is?"

Omen: "One day, I felt something was off. Like I regained some memories that as far as I knew, I never had them. Also, I had weird dreams. In one of those dreams, someone told me to run from that facility. On my run, I met a fellow White Masks traitor, just like me. He's the one who told me the whole Masks' plot and tell me what should I do to stop them."

Mira: "How did you know that person was right? You simply cannot trust a people you just met, right?"

Omen: "Because I felt like I have meet him somewhere, I felt that I knew him before. Not just like a stranger to me. But like a friend... A family almost. I just believe him."

Ash: "Like we will believe that? Stop with your bullshits! Super soldier my ass!"

Omen: "Want me to prove it to you?"

After hearing what Omen just said, the operators just fell silent.

Ash: "Do whatever you want."

Omen: "Okay."

Omen activates his Thermoptic Camouflage System, rendering his body almost invisible. As he vanishes, he shakes off the shackles and picks up Caveira's knife.

Ash: "WHERE IS HE?!"

Omen: *takes Caveira's knife* "I'll be borrowing this."

Caveira: "WHAT THE?!"

Omen deactivates his gadget and the operators suddenly aim their weapons toward Omen.



Ash: "Shit how did he manage to do that?! HARRY, PERMISSION TO ENGAGE SIR!"

Harry: "Just relax and enjoy his show."

Omen: "You lot want a proving, eh? How about this?"

Omen slashes his left arm with the knife. Moments later, his wound slowly closed and healed.

Omen: *returning Caveira's knife* "Here, satisfied enough?"

The operators are having mixed reactions, some are gasped, some are just silent. But there is only one thing they feel: shocked.

Ash: "Okay, fuck. I hate to admit it but okay we believe you. For now."

Omen: "Thank you."

Ash: "But still, because of your past connections with White Masks. We still need one more test of proving for you."

Omen: "What it is?"

Ash: "Harry, may I?"

Harry just nodded.

Ash: "A lone wolf mission."

Omen: "A what?"

Ash: "A lone wolf mission, you go on a mission alone. Without backups."

Omen: "Okay, but if I fail?"

Ash: "You'll die if you fail anyway. So, there are no need for punishments"

Omen: "Suicide mission huh? Looks fun"

Ash: "Careful for what you wish for...."


Next Session - Tame Impala

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