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"[name]-chan? [name]-chaaaan?" Akkun is waving his hand at my eyes.

"Huh? What? A-Akkun?!"

"Are you okay? You've been staring into space and been very lately. Do you need help or something?" He sounds really concerned.

"Oh uhm it's just that there's some conflicts that I want to get fixed, but I'm having troubles if my solutions will work."

"Whatever that is, I'm sure it will work out fine. Here, I got you your favorites since you haven't eating anything yet." Akkun handed me over a melon bread and a strawberry milk which made me blush. He sat beside me and opened another bag of melon bread for him.

"T-thank you, Akkun! You didn't have to do this."

"You've been skipping lunch recently, and that's not a good habit." He said as he munch down his melon bread.

"Hehe thank you for your concern." I smiled at him and he blushed which he tries to hide it.

We're chilling at the rooftop while having lunch. At first, it was just me who came here to process everything that's going on and clear my thoughts. I didn't know Akkun followed me here.

"If you need anyone to talk to or whatever, then just... call for me." He muttered the last one.

"Hey, Akkun, wanna go out after school? I know it's kinda late, but I haven't made up to you when you asked me out last time for the festival."

"S-sure! Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? D-do you wanna go eat somewhere? My treat!" He's blushing all over and flustered.

"I don't feel like going home actually. Maybe somewhere I can forget my worries and enjoy the moment."

"I understand. Let's go to the arcade! Playing games can help you escape your problems for a while and at the same time you will have a fun time playing." He grinned. I agreed with his suggestion and we went back to class after eating.

=after classes=
"[name]-chan, let's go?" Akkun approached me as soon as classes ended.

"Mhm. Let's go!" I happily answered.

"Hmm? What's this? Akkun and [name]-chan are going on a date?" Yamagishi teased.

"HUH?! AKKUN IS GOING OUT WITH A GIRL?!" Makoto exclaimed.

"It's not what you think it is. I just want to help [name]-chan forget her problems for a while." Akkun explained.

"Anyway, have you seen [name]-kun's new uniform?! He looks so badass with it!! Now his public alias really fits him!" Yamagishi's eyes sparkled.

Man, I don't like my public alias. Who even came up with that?

Akkun and I left while Yamagishi keeps talking about my new uniform.

We arrived at the arcade and exchanged our money for some tokens. We first checked out the claw machines.

"Akkun! Look at these cute bat plushies! Watch me get one of those." I examined the plushies to check what will be my strategy for this.

"Let's make a bet."


"If you managed to get the plushie, then I'll do whatever your request is."

A Thousand Winters with You (Chifuyu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now