Before Hogwarts; Aurora and Aristotle Havens

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The Havens Childhood

 Aurora and Aristotle were twins born into a house that cared more about blood purity than loving your children, much like the Black family. They were a very wealthy family, so their parents spoiled them with whatever they asked for instead of loving them. The twins didn't care much, they had each other and that was all they needed. 

The twins grew up close with the Black siblings, being the same age as Regulus. Aurora was closest with Regulus while Aristotle was closer with Sirius. Aristotle and Sirius often pulled pranks on the other pair, upsetting them.  Aurora and Regulus would read together in the Haven's library, knowing well enough that Sirius and Aristotle would never step foot in there, not even to prank them. 

The twins were forced to learn proper talents, like ballet, painting, and piano. Aurora picked up ballet as a young child and painting later on. Aristotle enjoyed music more than dancing and art, so he learned piano and a bit of violin. They enjoyed having these talents, however, their parents pushed them to work harder than they liked. But this was also one of the only times they would acknowledge them so they relished in the attention. 

They still had a year to go until they went to Hogwarts, which to them felt like centuries. Aurora had always been smart, she had read some of her parents' old textbooks they had kept in their library, and felt more than ready to go to Hogwarts. Aristotle just wanted to leave their home, to get away from their parents. He had always been the spotlight of the beatings the twins got so he wanted more than anything to get away.

When the twins did go to Hogwarts, however, they learned that home was in some ways better. At least at home they weren't separated. At least at home they talked to each other. And if they never went to Hogwarts, he would have never met James Potter, and he would've never left her, leaving her like a lamb to the slaughter. 

AN: These are my OCs lolz. I could have made them James neighbor so he could have friends but like wheres the fun in that? 

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