Before Hogwarts; Peter Pettigrew

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September 1, 1971

Peter Pettigrew was born into a wealthy family. He had all he wanted in the world. Love, a family, and anything he ever asked for. This was enough for him. He didn't need friends, he was alright on his own. And that is why every time the boy, James, asked to be his friend, he said 'no'. He always repeated that to himself, seemingly trying to forget about his shyness and anxiety.

Peter had two older sisters, Petunia and Polly, he was really close with them, considering the fact that they were almost a decade older than him. They both had moved out of his family's home by the time he turned five, so like James, he grew up with all of his parents' attention. He had tea with his Mother and helped her in the garden most mornings and then at night would talk to his Father about his job as an auror because it fascinated him.

Peter was beyond scared to start Hogwarts. He knew he probably wouldn't get into Gryffindor like the rest of his family and knew that his shyness would make it extremely hard to make friends. So like Remus, he begged not to go.

"Pleaseeeee... Mum, you're smart, why don't you teach me?" Peter suggested, as they were eating breakfast a few hours before they departed for four months.

"Peter, we've been over this. You are going to Hogwarts. You cannot convince us otherwise. Besides, it'll be good for you to go and make friends," his Mother, Laura, explained.

"Your Mum's right, Peter. You wouldn't even give... What's his name? Ah! James, a chance when he tried to be your friend," Paul, his Father, butted in.

"I've done nothing but be good and this is how you repay me? I'm hurt Mum, Pa."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny now go upstairs and finish packing. We only have around two hours before we have to be at the platform."

"Fine. But promise if I don't get into Gryffindor, you won't be mad." Peter was extremely nervous about that.

"Now why would you think that? Of course we won't be mad." Laura comforted.

"Just don't get Slytherin." Paul mumbled, thinking he went unheard until Laura hit him lightly on the head. 

A/N: I know that isn't really how Peter acts at Hogwarts but like he is close with his parents so he does around them, deal with it. Also, his parents names are never stated so I just used those.

The chapters should be longer after this because we are actually getting into the story now. I'm starting in the summer going into the Marauders 6th year. You guys know what that means. Still thinking about adding Voldy. 

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