Fifth and Sixth Year; Chapter Eleven

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Aurora POV

I hadn't talked to Regulus in almost a month. He had tried talking to me but gave up after two weeks. It's not like I didn't want to; I did truly wish to talk to him, but I was too stubborn to apologize.

I should've known something was going to happen. Regulus couldn't handle being alone; alone without people, alone with his thoughts. I should've overcome my pride and been there for him. But I was too stubborn for my own good. 

It had been three weeks since we had talked when I decided to go to his dorm. I knocked my usual tune to let him know I was there, but no one answered. So, thinking he was just ignoring the door, I let myself in. 

Tears welled in my eyes. Blood was everywhere. Blood was everywhere and Regulus was nowhere. A sob choked in my throat. 

I should've done something. I should've been worried. I should've helped. This is my fault. He is hurt because of me.

I fought back the thoughts and started searching the room. I knew Regulus. He wasn't clever enough to hide his blade; he doesn't think about people entering his room. But something was different this time; even after searching for twenty minutes, I couldn't find anything he could hurt himself with this badly. 

I knew I ought to stay back and clean up the blood, but the thought of looking, let alone touching, the blood was making me nauseous. So, I hurried back down the stairs and up to the girls' dormitories. 

James POV

I could tell something was wrong with Black when I saw him with stained red cheeks and glassy eyes. I could something was wrong when he said he had forgotten his books. I could tell that something was wrong when he didn't reply with his usual sarcasm when I threw out a snarky reply to one of his many questions on what I did and didn't know from what he was teaching me that night. 

"Regulus, what's wrong?" I asked suddenly with a rush of confidence. 

"Nothing, why do you ask?" He softly replies. 

"You don't have to lie to me. I'll listen if you would just open up to me." 

"We are here because you need help with your classes. Not because I'm depressed and you and your savior complex think you can save me." 

"I don't want to save you. Believe it or not, I have little hope for you, Black. I'm here to listen because you are obviously hurting and need someone to talk to." I knew it was harsh, but I knew he wouldn't open up if I was trying to "save" him. 

"I don't need your fucking help." 

"I didn't say you needed it!" I felt bad shouting, especially at the wince I saw on his face immediately after I did.

"You implied it! I'm not some fucking charity case you need to fix! Merlin, just leave me alone."

"I didn't say you were a charity case. You are taking things out of context." I didn't feel good saying these words: I felt guilty. 

"Why are you meeting me here every Tuesday because I'm not too convinced anymore it's because you need help in Potions." Shit. 

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean."

"I need help with Potions. You're taking everything I have ever said to you out of context. I honestly don't understand why it is so hard to believe that I need help in a class."

"I'm not taking anything out of fucking context! I'm just using my bloody brain that I obviously haven't been using!" I wasn't used to him shouting. Regulus was always so collected, nothing ever seemed to bother him. 

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