Fifth and Sixth Year; Chapter Three

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   I truly do miss him. His smile, his laugh, even his tears. But I couldn't do it. I can't trust that he won't leave again.

I will always love Regulus, no matter how hard I try not to. There will always be a part of me that remembers his true smile, not the fake one he puts on around his "friends." There will always be a part of me that remembers his laugh, his genuine laugh, and the little droplets of tears that he thought he wiped off before I could see, but I always did.

And I'll never forget the pain he caused me. I thought I had finally made a true friend. But then he left, just like the rest of them did. I went my most of my fourth year wallowing in my own sadness until Xenophilius asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him. After that, Regulus was only a memory in the back of my mind.

Until he sent that damned letter.

I broke down in tears when I saw his name on the envelope. I know it's dramatic but to see his name on a letter sent to me gave me such a shock, I broke down in tears. It took ten minutes for my tears to stop enough for me to read the actual letter.

Dear Pandora, I know that there is a possibility that you won't read this and I am writing to air right now, but I had to send at least one. I've missed you so much. More than possibly explained in words. And I want you to know that if I wasn't the coward I am, we would've still been friends. But I am a coward and I abided when my family demanded I stopped being friends with you. I should've fought harder, but I didn't, and now I suffer the consequences. Sirius escaped. He lives with the Potter family now. I truly am happy he left our home. But he didn't say goodbye or even tell me he was leaving. I don't even care about being the target of my parents' wrath as much as I care about the fact that he left without saying a word to me. Anyways, I don't expect a letter back. I just needed to send one of the many letters I've written since I ruined our friendship.With best wishes,Regulus Arcturus Black

After I read it, I broke down in more tears. Hearing from him made all the forgotten memories come back. From the night we met to our very last conversation.

Astronomy Tower, September 10, 1974

Pandora had always loved going up to the Astronomy Tower to be alone with her thoughts in the silence. And that's what she was doing the night of September 10, 1974. She never expected anyone other than herself to be there because she always went late at night, way past curfew.

 But as fate has it, Regulus Black was also there that night.

She could hardly see him in the darkness. And he gave her quite a fright when she saw his silhouette moving closer to her.

"Hello?" She asked the unknown figure, praying to Merlin that it was a professor.

"Hello," Regulus answered, also quite startled after discovering the other person.

"Oh thank Merlin you're not a professor, I was scared I was going to get into trouble. I'm Pandora Volant."

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