Fifth and Sixth Year; Chapter Seven

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Third Person POV

     The marauders did not, in fact, apologize to the younger Black. Actually, they ignored him as best as they could for about three weeks. But even in as big of a castle as Hogwarts, you can't avoid someone forever. 

"Oi! Potter!" Regulus screamed down the hall to James, causing the older boy to speed up. "Stop being such a coward! You already threw me in the lake and ran away, no need to be more cowardly; and I thought you Gryffindors were brave."  This caused James to stop.

"We are brave. I mean, you're one to talk about being cowardly; you can't even talk back to you're parents because you are so scared." Immediately, James knew he hit a soft spot. "Reggie, I didn't mean it like that."

"Fuck off. I was just gonna ask when you were gonna apologize for, you know, throwing me into the Black Lake. But I mean you're right, I am afraid of my parents. But at least I am not afraid to admit when I am. I mean you got so upset when I said something that harmed your ego: I'm honestly more embarrassed for you then I am mad." Then he walked away, leaving a stunned Potter gloating in the hall. 


"And then he walked off."

"Mate, I am telling you, don't feel bad. He doesn't deserve your guilt, besides you told him the truth."  James had just got back from speaking with Regulus. He felt like absolute shit, but Sirius thought differently. 

"You didn't see him, though. I've never seen him let his shoulders slump like that. He always has this collected posture, and then I said that and he deflated."

"He needed to hear it. I mean honestly, why is he so hurt?"

"Sirius, stop being insensitive. You've already been enough of a dick to him." It was Remus who spoke this time.

"Remus, he doesn't deserve sympathy. He is a blood purist, slimy Slytherin."

"Sirius, you are being just as bad."

"Remus, if you are so adamant on defending him, why don't you go become his best friend? I mean it sure seems like you think so lowly on me and highly on him."

"Can you both shut up and tell me how to fix this? I feel terrible and you two are not helping at all."

"Just apologize to him." Peter spoke to James like it was the most obvious thing.

"I've already tried and it didn't work." 

"It didn't seem like you did from what you have told us. So unless you are leaving a part of the story, I suggest you go and properly apologize to him." 


Regulus POV

"And then he made me read for the rest of class."  Aurora was busy angrily retelling me how Binns caught her sleeping in his class when James came up to me. 

"Reggie, can we please talk?"

"No, and don't call me that."



"Will someone tell me why one of my brother's blood traitor friends is trying to talk to Regulus?"

"My brother, him, and his goons pranked me a few weeks ago, then decided to avoid me for three weeks. I found Potter here by himself and decided to confront him. He then proceeded to insult me and my family." 

"And now I'm trying to apologize."

"Well, you are not forgiven. You can be on your way now."  Please leave, people are staring. 

"I won't leave until you forgive me. Look, I didn't mean it, I got upset and it slipped out. I'm sorry."

"Take the fucking hint and leave. I don't give two shits about your apology: people are staring and you're embarrassing yourself."

"Potter, just fucking leave. Merlin, you are so insistent; some times it's better to stop when people ask you to." Aurora was just as fed up as I was with his nagging. 

"Fine, but don't say I didn't try."

"I wasn't planning on mentioning this or you, so don't worry." I sent him a sarcastic smile at which he flipped me off.

"Merlin, why are our brother's friends so annoying?"

"I don't know, you should ask them."

"Oh, yes. Great idea, let me go up and ask them right now." Then we started laughing. Rory was the only person who could get me to genuinely laugh; I could be myself around her and she could be her. 

A/N: short chapter, I didn't know what to add on so I'm just ending it here. I'm signing up for a creative writing summer camp and I don't know what to write, so please drop suggestions for a short story or poems. 


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