Fifth and Sixth Year; Chapter One

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Regulus' POV

He did it. He actually did it. He left me.. I didn't think he would, or at least I thought he would say goodbye to me. Is that so hard? I mean he left me alone in this house, with our shitty parents, and didn't even have the audacity to say goodbye. Our relationship had been strained ever since I was sorted into Slytherin, for some dumb reason he thought I would actually be sorted into a different house. So, I shouldn't be surprised, but still I am.

Mother had been in a fit about this for days. I mean how dare he actually leave his abusive home. She seems more upset that he left than I do.

"Useless, that's what he is. To think I thought there was a chance he would change. Maybe I should've crucio'd him more." She thought out loud.

"Yes, perhaps," I muttered back, not daring to tell her he left because of the curses and beatings.

"At least I still have one child that isn't a total disgrace!"

"Thank you?"

"You will avoid all contact with him at Hogwarts, got it? Not even to tell him how much of a disgrace he is. Don't even look his way."

"Yes, Mother."

She excused me to my room after that and I immediately started writing to Aurora, my best friend. She was sorted into Slytherin as well, making her parents' happier because of Aristotle. He was sorted into Gryffindor, funny isn't it? Him and Sirius were always closer and now they are in the same house. The last time I talked to Aurora, she told me that he was acting more distant than usual. Their relationship was strained even more than Sirius' and I's after the sorting, she couldn't even look in his direction for weeks after.

I sealed the letter and made sure to write her name on the back because Aristotle had a habit of opening her letters, "thinking they were his." I sent it out after dinner, knowing our owl would be back before it got too late.

~~~School started tomorrow and to say I was an understatement. I hadn't seen Sirius since the day he left, and even then he didn't look like himself all beaten up like he was. His final straw was the day Mother crucio'd him while Father kicked him continuously at the same time. I snuck out of my room to hear what the commotion was but almost immediately ran back up the stairs, feeling nauseous.

Nevertheless, I was excited to see Aurora. I hadn't seen her since August 1st when she got back from France. We usually spent almost every day together in the summer, but this year she went to France with her family in July so the only time I saw her was in June and that day in August. She was really my only friend, I stopped talking to Aristotle when she did.

"Regulus!! I've missed you so much!" She exclaimed as soon as she was in earshot of me.

"I missed you too, Rora."

"I think Aristotle is gonna leave during Christmas. I think the whole ordeal with Sirius really motivated him. I'm pretty sure Potter offered him a spot at his house."

"Oh. Are you ok?" I knew Aurora, she would bottle up her emotions until, eventually, they overflowed.

"Yeah, course I am. I haven't been close with him since we were ten. No reason to start getting closer now that he's leaving."

"Still, he's your twin brother, that must be hard."

"What, harder than you losing Sirius? Stop trying to make my situation sound worse than it is. I mean you guys were just as close. Now let's just get on the train." She gets like this whenever someone tries to make her feel better. She tries to tell you that her situation is just as bad as others, even if it's worse and she knows it.


"God, just shut up, Reg. Stop trying to have a savior complex all of the sudden. I don't need you to be my therapist." And with that she walks on the train.

~~~Losing someone you love and look up to hurts. You thought you could trust them with your life and just like that, they leave. When Sirius left it felt like I was being crucio'd for hours on end. It's been getting better day by day but I know that as soon as I see him, I'll be right back where I started. And that fucking pisses me off. Why should I be sad that he left? I mean, he didn't even think to say goodbye.

The thought of sitting through the sorting ceremony without Rora distracting me with her non-stop chattering, seems like hell. I won't be distracted from the fact that Sirius is sitting a mere table away from me. And since Rora has to sit with her back to the Gryffindor table-so she doesn't have to face Aristotle- I have to face him. 

A/N: I love Aurora... MMMM I might put the next chapter in James or Sirius' POV bc why not. 

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