Fifth and Sixth Year; Chapter Five

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Regulus POV

  Eight o'clock came sooner than I wanted it to. And even though the very last thing I wanted to do was go, I wanted Potter off my back; so there I was walking as slow as I possibly could. 

"You made it."

"Obviously. I'm here, aren't I?" He didn't even let me get settled before he started attacking me with personal questions. Didn't even ask me my favorite color. 

"Why didn't you go with him?" James went straight in with the painful questions. 

"He didn't ask. And even if he did, I wouldn't have gone."

"Why not?"

"They knew he was going to leave, he was lost hope. But if I went hell would turn over. They would search everywhere. They wouldn't be able to handle having two fuck-ups." 

"Why won't you talk to Sirius?"

"Why would I want to? He left me so he obviously doesn't want to speak to me."

"You don't know that."

"If he wanted to talk to me then he would've said goodbye. If he wanted to talk to me, he would grow a pair of balls and say hi."

"He thinks you hate him."

"So what if I do. He left me in the godforsaken home with nobody."

"He had to leave and you know that."

"But he didn't have to leave me." There was a moment of silence after that. 

"He didn't want to. He needed to. Did you see what they did to him the night he left?" I nod my head. "Then you should understand that he needed to leave.

"He could've said goodbye. He could say 'hi' to me. He could apologize. But has he?" Silence. 

"I have one final question."

"Ask away."

"Why do you hate me so much?"

I didn't know how to answer. I have always "hated" him because my parents told me I should. I never truly felt it until Sirius left. 

"Because you took my brother away."


James POV

It had been a few weeks  since me and Regulus' conversation in the tower. He left before I could say anything about me taking away Sirius. I never thought about how Regulus felt about me. I just knew he hated me and didn't think he had a reason other than his parents. But it made sense. Sirius practically ignored Regulus' existence since they were kids. 

Sunsets by the Lake- JegulusDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora