Before Hogwarts; Remus Lupin

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August 31, 1971

  Remus John Lupin hadn't had the easiest life. When he was four he was bitten by a werewolf, one that is unknown but believed to be Fenrir Greyback. His family worked through it, though. They built him a large shack outside where he could transform. His father put spells on the door to keep him locked in during his transformation. They had had healers heal his wounds every full moon and make sure he was well.

This didn't stop Lyall from feeling guilty. He believed that it was his fault that his only child got bit by that werewolf. He had been trying to capture Fenrir and had angered him. Made him so angry that he cursed his son with lycanthropy.

Remus was to start Hogwarts this year. Lyall had made arrangements with Headmaster Dumbledore to have Remus in a safe place every full moon. Lyall knew this was dangerous but he couldn't have Remus miss out on school because of his lycanthropy. So every full moon, Remus would be accompanied by Minerva McGonagall and Poppy Pomfrey to an abandoned shack where he could be safe during his transformation.

"Why can't I stay here?" Remus pleaded. "We know it's safe here. There is no guarantee that I won't escape and hurt an innocent person when I go to Hogwarts."

"Remus, we have been working hard with some of the professors at Hogwarts and we know you will be ok there," Lyall reasoned.

"Can I please stay here? You can teach me magic and Mom can teach me muggle subjects." Remus begged, hoping he could convince his Dad.

"No, Remus. You're going. End of discussion."

Remus was less than excited, to say the least. He worried about making friends and how hard it would be to keep his condition a secret. People would surely hate him if they figured it out. So, that is why he vowed to keep to himself, to not make any friends, and make sure his secret would never get out. But despite his hardest efforts, he failed.

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