Fifth and Sixth Year; Chapter Nine

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Regulus POV

I don't know why I walked away: I wanted to comfort her, but I didn't know how, so I walked away. I didn't know where I was heading, I just had to leave. I knew it was dinner, which meant most people were in the Great Hall, so I started towards there. 

I don't know why I did it, but I walked up to Aristotle and punched him. Square in the nose. 

"What the fuck? Regulus?" Aristotle screamed as he held his bleeding nose. 

"Shit, I don't know why I did that." That is true: I did not know why I did that. 

"You don't know?"


"Are you going to apologize?"

"No, you deserved it." 

"I deserved it?"

"That is what I said, isn't it?"

"How exactly do I deserve it?"

"For forgetting Rory's existence for the past five years, and then writing her just to tell her you're leaving and never coming back. She is devastated and you wouldn't know because you don't want anything to do with her. You. Are. A. Prick." And then I walked away. 


I had only just stepped out of the hall when Potter grabbed my shoulder. 

"Why the fuck did you do that?" Is he an idiot? I thought I had said the exact reason only forty seconds ago. 

"Are you seriously blind and deaf?"


"I mean, I thought I said the exact reason why I punched in the face. To be completely frank, I feel I should have done that sooner; he's been an arsehole to me and Aurora ever since we arrived at Hogwarts- in first year." 

"I didn't think you were violent."

"And you thought right. But if someone happens to be a complete dickhead to my best friend, then they technically asked for it." This was true: I was never violent, but if someone decided to be a selfish asshole, then I'll make some exceptions. 

"Do you like Aurora as more than a friend?" Where the fuck did that come from?

"Merlin, you are an idiot. No, of course not. Why would you even ask that? She's like a sister me, you are a complete and utter dunce."

"I'm sorry, but it's clear that she obviously likes you, so I was curious." I could feel my brain cells slowly deteriorating the longer I stood here continuing the conversation, but I wanted to know what he meant. 

"What do you mean? She most certainly does not fancy me."

"Merlin, and you were saying I was blind." And then he walked away shaking his head.


Aurora POV

"Do you like me?" I slowly closed my book and looked up. Regulus was pacing in front of the couch quickly.

"Are you absurd? Of course not, are you completely mad?" I knew he would know I was lying, but I couldn't tell him. 

"You're lying." Bingo. 

"No, I'm not. Who put this idea in your head?"

"Potter, but that is irrelevant. You like me."



"Ye- No."

"You were gonna say yes. Stop lying, Rory." That Godforsaken name would kill me. 

"What do you want me to say? Do you want me to admit that I'm in love with you and ruin our friendship? Huh?" 

"I want you to stop lying to me! Merlin, I just fucking punched your brother in the face for you, and you can't tell me one fucking thing! I don't give two shits if you like me, Merlin knows I don't feel the same way; so maybe this will help you move on!" I winced; I hated when he yelled, especially at me.

"You don't?"

"No of course not, you're like a sister to me." 

"Are you gay?" I had to know. 


"Are you gay? I don't care if you are, but you've never shown interest in any girl-ever- so I thought that maybe you were. And I see how you're eyes light up every time Potter talks to you, even if you don't realize it." 

"Merlin, are you on something? Are you drunk or high or some shit? Or are you just that much of a bloody idiot? No, I'm not fucking gay; I don't really know what I am.

"And Potter, where the hell are you getting that shit from? Are you so upset that I don't have feelings for you that you are imagining I like my brother's bloody best friend?" 

"You don't have to keep rubbing it in my face! I know you don't fucking like me! I've always fucking known; I'm not a bloody idiot!

"And you might not see it, but I do: I've never seen you look at anyone like how you look at him. Whenever he walks towards us, I see your eye light up. You thrive for your arguments, just because you like when he talks to you." 

I walked away before he could say another word; I couldn't handle it. 


Third Person POV

Regulus was bewildered; he stood shocked for five minutes before going to search for James. He didn't actually believe him when he said that she liked him, he thought it was to upset him. 

He went to the owlery first, he didn't have the energy to search for him after his fight; so he wrote him a letter. 


Please meet me in the Astronomy Tower


Hey guys, I've been trying to write this for like a week but oh well. I legit hate this chapter so much, but oh well. 

Life update: I applied for that creative writing camp but I have not heard back. I saw the new spiderman today, it was SO good. I cried so fucking hard but all is well

Vote and comment plz<3

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