-.Chapter Fifteen.-

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I read 'I Sleep Naked' for 8 hours straight and it's an amazing Larry story. I'm finally up-to-date on it but you must check it out.


Okay, so, I'm extremely in my feelings rn so like this chapter will turn out however the hell it turns out.

Ilysm. Vote/comment. 😊


"She can't just go missing." Zayn nearly whimpered into the phone. Perrie was sobbing.

"They found Jake dead and Leah missing. That's all I was told." Perrie said as her sobs hushed over the phone.

"Perrie, it's okay. I won't stop until she's found." Zayn just hung up there.

He felt sad when he figured out Jake died. But when he heard Leah went missing he flipped.

It had been one week since he had contacted any of the guys. He needed to give himself a break to remember the entire reason he even took a first look at them.

To kill Niall.

He had become obsessed with the idea.

But he didn't like the outcome all this has given him so far. He was weaker. He fucking hated it.

Zayn pulled a beanie on and finally decided to take a visit to Starbucks. Before he left, he put a solid pink flower on the little cross in his flower bed that Leah planted because it "looked less assassin-y."

"Happiness doesn't exist... I'm sorry Aladdin." Zayn sighed feeling a strange knot in his throat.

He got in his car and turned the radio on when he pulled out of his own driveway.

Zayn was into all types of music, but Heavy Metal was most definitely his favourite.

People bashed the music due to the screaming, but every lyric they screamed had meaning.

Sure it was Uptown Funk, or GDFR, or All About That Bass, or Steal My Girl, but it had so much meaning.

Crown the Empire was the best. He would give anything to meet them. They were his one happiness.

Plus they were hot as fuck.

His thoughts were distracting him and he didn't realize he ended up in Starbucks until the cold air wrapped around him.

He sat at the table and as soon as he did Louis walked over. "Peppermint Mocha?" Louis smiles already knowing Zayn's usual.

Zayn nodded and Louis wrote it down and gave it to Nash. "What's up with you? You haven't answered any of us in a week." Louis sat across from him.

"Guess I needed time to myself." Zayn shrugged. "Zee, that's all you had to say. You scared us all shitless. Niall especially." Louis rolled his eyes.

"How?" Zayn wondered.

"He was worried you were in trouble. Austin said something about a bullet in your arm." Louis glanced at the wound on Zayn's arm.

"Nah. Broke the skin a little but I'm good." Zayn shook his head. "One peppermint mocha." Nash smiled brightly at Zayn.

Zayn smiled back at the kid. "Thank you and here's a tip." Zayn gave him a fifteen dollar tip.

Nash's eyes lit up as he thanked him back and left.

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