-.Chapter Two.-

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A/n: Omfg guys THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT! I don't know why, but chapter one was private?? I don't think it is anymore but I was like the fuck?? Someone doesn't like dark Ziall.

Lmao I wanna thank you Erica for checking this out! It means the world to me guys. I wanna hug you all so much. I dont even know how I deserve this. Its only 176 reads but im so thankful for them. OOH THIS STORY GONNA MIND FUCK YALL SO MUCHH! ITS STILL SUBMISSIVE NIALL BECAUSE DOMINATE NIALL HURTS ME IDK.



Zayn looked in the mirror at his new tattoo and new hair. He knew Niall might recognize him but he has grown some muscle and stuble since. Zayn was okay with his new like. He actually thought it made him look tougher. 

"Someone got my voicemail, I presume?" Andy walked into Zayn's area. Zayn spent his time in the boxing are with all of the weapons. It was known as Zayn's area. "Did your manly coffee taste good?" Zayn snaps.

"It was manly!" Andy whined.

"Yeah, little white-girl pumpkin-spice-latte." Zayn rolled his eyes. Andy grabbed some boxing gloves. "Lets go." Andy was angry. Zayn smirked because Zayn was the best boxer. He was literally the best assassin  out there.

He had agility, speed, and muscle.

"Andy, you don't know what your getting yourself into." Josh rolled his eyes. "Shut up." Zayn grunts. Zayn pulled on his boxing gloves and Josh stood at the doorway with a couple of other people. Josh rang the bell and the two scooted closer.

Andy took a swing and got Zayn in the face.

"That all you got?" Zayn laughed and took a right swing and hit him then hit him with the left. "C'mon Zaynie, don't be so easy." Andy spat on the ground.

"Okay." Zayn upper-cutted Andy with his right then hit him in the gut with his left. Andy fell down and people at the door cheered and booed. "ONE. TWO. THREE. FOUR. FIVE. SIX. SEVEN. EIGHT. NINE-" Andy got back up at nine.

"What? Can't hit well because you have alot on your mind? What if Niall kills you, huh? What if he kills you like he almost did last time?" Andy teased. Zayn lunged at Andy takling him to the ground. He was punching Andy until he was bleeding.

"Zayn!" Josh yelled seeing Andy knocked out.

Zayn kept punching. Jake and Josh pulled Zayn off of Andy. "Knock out, bitch." Zayn threw his gloves at the knocked out man. "Zayn! You know the rule about this!" Josh yelled.

Rule Number One: You cannot-whatsoever- Kill another assassin from your group.

"He's breathing." Zayn said nonchalantly, which seemed to infuriate Josh even more. "Zayn, you know I have no problem with a friendly boxing match-" "Fucking friendly?! You're kidding! You know that I don't like.... his name mentioned!" Zayn was pissed off.


"Fuck you, Josh. I'm going to do my job without my 'boss' running up my ass." Zayn stormed off. "Move." Zayn barks at the people at the door. He walked through them and walked straight outside. He looked around at the front yard and growled then punched the wall.

Zayn pulled out a ciggarett and put it to his lips.

He inhaled to smoke and it cleared his mind. As he exhaled it he began to walk off of the property. He wanted to forget Niall but thinga kept creeping into his mind. "Stop, dammit!" Zayn shouts. He walked down the street anf examined the children playing in their yards.

He thought back to when he first entered the Hitman company. He was thirteen. He tried his absolute best to push the memory back but it floods into his mind, quicker than the rest of them.

"Ready... GO!" Niall laughed. He and Zayn ran up the stairs. "I win, ya' cunt!" Niall poked his tongue out. "How.. Are you..... so... fucking... fast.." Zayn pants. "Skill." Niall smirks. "I can't believe your dad iis getting married to Harry's mum." Zayn finally said as he sat on the counter.

"I know right? It's actually crazy. It's gonna be hella fun though." Niall said. Zayn, Niall, and Harry were all popular and best friends now. No one picked on Naill anymore because Zayn was always there. "What are you boys talking about?" Niall's dad walks in.

"Oh, nothing." Niall giggles. Zayn smiled. "How about I cook you guys some pizza?" He asked. "Yeah!" Zayn cheers. "Whatever he wants." Niall smiled sweetly making Zayn blush. Zayn sorta liked Niall. And Niall sorta liked Zayn.. a lot. But they would never admit it.

"Ooh, did you hear about Grace and Luke Hemmings?" Niall went straight between Zayn's legs and whispered in his ear. Zayn's face heats and he didn't even hear Niall. His pants began to get tighter.
"...and you might wanna get rid of that boner."

Niall pulls back laughing. "Sorry, I was thinking about Luke. He's hot." Zayn laughed and followed Niall into his room. Niall felt his hopes drop. "You know where the bathroom is." Niall laughed. Zayn walked into Niall's bedroom bathroom and locked the door. Niall sighed.

Later on that night Zayn and Niall sat on Niall's bed just talking about life. "Niall?" Zayn asked looking up at the ceiling. Niall lay at the other end of the bed. "Yes?" Niall asked. "What is that big house you go to three streets down?" Zayn asked.
Nialls breathing hitched. 'tell him.' Niall thinks calmly.

"Do you know that computer game Hitman?" Niall asks. "The one where the guy pays you to kill people?" Zayn asks. "There's this thing called Hitman Company. You'e born into it. My dad is the head assassin in the company. I'm the reason... I'm the reason some of those people are dead." Niall says barely above a whisper.

"Niall, they deserved it." Zayn sat up with Niall.
"You don't hate me?" Niall asks. "Never, Nialler." Zayn smiled. "Would you... like to join?" Niall asks carefully. "You can't tell anyone." He adds. "Anything to spend more time with you." Zayn let that slip out.

It made Niall's cheeks turn red.
"I'll tell my father. He's the boss of the company. Josh Devine is the leader in training. He's twenty. Im the second best hitman. The first is my dad." Niall said excitedly. "But what about my mum?" Zayn asks. "She can't know." Niall said. "Harry?" Zayn asks. "He... Maybe." Niall nods.

"I go to HQ every day after school. You can come tomorrow to start training." Niall said happily.
Zayn can finally get closer to him.

Zayn tore out of the memory as quick as possible.  He walked into his house and looked in the corner at the closet he never opened. He hasnt opened it in years.

Not since the day it happened.
Zayn took his shirt off and looked in the bathroom mirror at the scar on his abdomen. The scar that held memories of that day. He turned the sink on and splashed cold water on his face. He looked at the closet again.

"No, Zayn." He told himself

He walked to the closet anyways and opened the door. He dug out a box and put it in front of him. He opened the box slowly and looked at the dozens of pictures of him and Niall.

He felt anger surge through him and he threw the box across the room making all 324 pictures fly out along with one little chain. The 'N' chain Niall got Zayn when they went on summer vacation together.

Zayn got him a 'Z' chain.
He got up and kicked the bed. "Fuck you!" Zayn shouts. He looked at the time. 2:30. Thats the time Andy went. Zayn pulled his shirt back on and jogged outside. He was going to Starbucks.

He was going to find Niall.

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