-. Chapter Twenty- Four .-

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A/n: that moment when you try to screenshot something and you click your lockscreen button.

O K A Y.

Like, this story is nearing an end. Yet another story made by Alli. I feel accomplished.


this is still going. There's still a lot going to happen.

'The Silent Beat of a Butterfly's Wings'.

Enjoy dicksuckers. ❤️


Three days have passed and not one sign of Louis. The boys tried to reach out but he never answered.

One week until Zayn was killing Niall.

"How's he holding up?" Zayn asks Liam as he walked out of Harry's room. "He's not too well. He's drowning himself with Ben & Jerry's ice cream." Liam sighed.

"Fuck Ben and Jerry for their ice cream." Zayn shook his head.

"Have you gotten ahold of Louis?" Niall said walking into Harry's living room with the rest of them.

"No, but Austin is staying the night with him while we go fucking look." Zayn said.

"I can't believe this. Why the hell would he cheat on him?!" Zayn was really fucking pissed. He didn't know why but he was.

"Look, I've checked everywhere. He isn't anywhere." Niall sighed. Zayn's head suddenly jerks up.

"Come with me."


They pulled up to the bluff where Zayn goes to clear his mind and well enough there was Louis.

"Louis!" Niall yelled.

Louis was standing on the edge looking down at the the rocks. "Honest, how bad do you think it would hurt?" Louis asked. His voice sounded hoarse from crying and his eyes looked bloodshot.

"Louis, backup mate." Liam said calmly.

"I told him I didn't want to. He held a gun to my head. He made me say it and he took the pictures." Louis sobbed out as rocks fell from underneath his feet.

"Louis, please, please back up." Niall's voice quivered as Zayn watched.

"Maybe Harry will know that I didn't do it. I love Harry." Louis walked an inch closer.

"Louis, you can't. Harry depends on you so much. Maybe if you tell him what happened he'll understand. Please, you don't want to do this." Zayn said.

"Maybe. But I don't wanna be there if he doesn't forgive me." Louis began to fall forward and Niall jumps to pull him back.

"No!" Niall pulled Louis to his chest as they both stood at the edge. Louis cried onto Niall's shoulder.

"Niall," Zayn watched the rock crack under them both. Zayn's Wes went wide when it fell.

"NIALL MOVE!" Zayn bolted to Niall and jerked them both back as fast as he could.

When Zayn felt the wind ripple through his clothes he knew he was falling. It seemed to take 2 minutes before he had fallen onto the ground.

But when he fell, he didn't feel the rocks crush his bones or his head splatter on the cement.

He heard a whisper, "you'll be okay."

He felt himself fall gently onto the field below it. The field where his most hurtful memories were held. The field where he and Niall made love.

But he also felt the world drowned out under him.

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