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"Good morning, Yeojin," Tina smiled at Yeojin as she slid downstairs on her bum. "What's on the agenda for today."

Yeojin had been home for a few months and she'd grown quite fond of Tina and Hyunmin. Tina was the sweetest woman she'd ever met and Hyunmin was like a brother to her.

Jungkook also grew on her. It was like her home was his second home. He and Hyunmin had been best friends since primary school and Tina said Jungkook was always around — even though he was grown with his own home.

"I'm thinking about going to the beach. I haven't been feeling inspired lately so I need time to recuperate so I can continue with the story I'm writing."

"And what's this story about so far?"

"Well, I don't know yet. I'm stuck on the first sentence."

Tina laughed and handed Yeojin a bag, "So you don't forget to eat today," She said while pushing her towards the door. "Have a good day."

"You too, Tina!"

Once outside, Yeojin spotted Hyunmin and a very snazzy-looking Jungkook, "Where are you going dressed all fancy?" She asked.

"Work," Jungkook spoke. "Unfortunately."

"How old are you anyway? Do you work for the president?"

"I'm twenty-three and I do work for the president. Of my mom's company at least."

"Company?" Yeojin's mouth dropped.

"Yep," Jungkook said with a pop of his p. "My mom owns a jewelry company. Anyway, where are you off to?"

"The beach. I need a little inspiration."

"Let me take you then." Jungkook offered.

"Sure." Yeojin shrugged.

Hyunmin waved at the two as they got into Jungkook's car, "So, what are you writing?" Jungkook asked.

"I'm not sure yet. I kind of want to write a love story but I have zero knowledge about love."

"You don't have to." Jungkook claimed.

"I do too." Yeojin insisted.

"Just — think of it like this, you've never been in love — but you have loved. You love your parents I presume. You love writing... Judging by the way you scoffed down that pizza last week, you love to eat," Jungkook laughed as Yeojin nudged his arm. "What I'm saying is, take your love for those things and exaggerate it into your character's love for another person. If all else fails, just take notes from someone who has been in love."

"Well, have you been in love?" Yeojin asked.

"Yep," He admitted. "And I must say, it's not all rainbows and sunshine. One of the worst things you can do as a writer is create a false hope that relationships are perfect. You don't have to make your story really sad, but an argument or two — or at least the insinuation of one — will do more than enough."

"So, in your words, what's love like?"

"It all depends on what kind of love it is. I've been in a one-sided love affair before, I've been loved by someone I didn't love, and I've been in love with someone that loved me back. One-sided love freaking sucks, having someone infatuated with me was kind of ego-boosting but it got uncomfortable fast, and when the person I loved, loved me back, I was content with my life. I felt like nothing else mattered as long as I had her there to love me."

Yeojin nodded and looked at his pained expression. She could tell reliving his past relationship was hurting him, "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

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