A Nation's Secret

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Wow... I can't believe I placed a cliffhanger at the last chapter XD
So I have an idea in mind for the ending since it is close I think... Not really that close, but I am still fixing some idea on the ending. So I give you the secret that you've all been waiting for!


Kryztel's POV

"The story behind every nation." I listened closely as I drank my Mountain Dew. "You know that we had several wars in the past." I nodded.

"Hm, a lot of you almost fell because of that."

"Sim, but this is the story on how we all survive." He looked at his coffee and began to tell the secret. "Us empires who had survived since we rise, had this special trick to survive. The only ones who didn't do this yet are the younger nations like Philippines, Seychelles, America, Canada, and so on. Spain had to go through worse."

"Why worse?"

"Our history, the dark pasts. Our old selves had to go somewhere else. England, the Nordics, France, Prussia, Germany, China, Russia,and me had to go through this. We made a deal."

"Deal with who?"

"Our damned 2ps." My eyes widened in shock.

"You made a deal with them?"

"Yes. The deal was to share our fate with them."


"If they die we die then vice versa."

"How is that even possible! I mean-"

"It is. The ones who didn't manage to get this was our parents."

"Does Spain know about this?"

"Yes, we told him a long time ago. He was against this."


"He found it inhumane."

"Because it's like dealing with the devil."

"Exactly, but we already did it while he was unconscious. Passed out from the Spanish Civil war that ended in 1939, he was almost lifeless." He gripped on his mug. "We almost lost him." I stayed silent. I didn't know what to say.

"Take care of him please." I nodded. Before I can even take a sip of my drink. A stampede just passed by the café.

"What..." I looked out.

"El toro está en el flojo! El toro está en el flojo!" A man screamed passing.

(Translation: The bull is on the loose!)

I quickly became a alert and went out of the café. I looked out to see a bull charging towards a little boy and girl. I took off my jacket as I ran towards the children and pulled them out. The bull hit the wooden walk instead of the children. I lead them out of the area.

"Gracias, señorita." They both said.

"De nada." I went back to the area towards the bull. It was looking straight at me.

"Venga!" I yelled . The bull roams around for a while then began to charge at me. I whipped my jacket over making the bull pass. I looked at where the bull almost ran into. It charged back. Again I whipped my jacket again with a swift pass.

"Olé!" I heard numerous people yelling this. I almost froze in fear before this.

'Not now, Kryztel... Not now...' I cleared my thoughts and concentrated back on the bull.


Amiya's POV

"How the hell are we supposed to find her now?" We walked through the streets of Seville, Spain looking for our friend. "She could be anywhere in this country!"

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