After Two Weeks...

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Yeah, I skipped the two weeks timeline since I didn't really have the idea how to make everyone's reactions for the past two weeks so I skipped it.
Ciao for now!


Kryztel's POV

For the past two weeks, they were all trying to find out a way on how Spain would live and at the same time looking for a way where I don't have to marry Andres.
Well I already have a plan and I hate this more than the decision I made on leaving for Spain by myself.
That's right people. I'm going to Alcazar.
I wore my usual attire. Shirt, khaki pants, flip flops, and a dark denim blue sleeveless hoodie with my hair in a low ponytail. I exited the bathroom connected the room I shared with Spain. I came over to our bed where he slept peacefully. It was around four in the morning. I sat carefully near his sleeping figure.

"Lo siento, mi amor..." I kissed his lips softly and pulled away. I started to cry as I opened the window. "But I won't let you die." I climbed out carefully and jumped down as soon as I was sure that it was safe to jump. I pulled my hood over my head and ran out of the residence.

Alcazar wasn't that far from Seville's house. The palace can be seen through the living room window. I ran through the sidewalk crying as I go. I accidentally bumped into a person on the way.

"Lo siento." I said quickly as I began to run again.

I breathed heavily as I arrived at the tourist spot. It was still four-thirty in the morning. There were no tourists around except for them who were in front of the palace.

'Why am I even getting married when I'm still seventeen?' I asked myself. I looked up to see Andres and Flavio with Luciano and Luther.

"Ah, so you came." Andres smirked.

"I don't want him to die." I broke down as I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"Don't worry mi amor." He lifted up my chin. "You sealed the deal." He kissed me. My eyes widened as I cried. I didn't kissed back. I didn't want to betray him. I don't want this. Even though he was another version of my dear churro, he was nothing like him. Moments later he pulled away. I looked away disappointed at myself as he simply smiled at me.

"Stop with your lovey dovey over there and let's go! The plane leaves in a few minutes." Luciano called out. Once again I was leaving a country without anyone knowing.
Andres grabbed my arm and started to dragged me with him.

"Where are you taking me?" I growled at him angrily.

"New Hampshire." I wanted to ask why until I realized. I've read about this in a novel before. New Hampshire is one of the places where you can get married from sixteen and above.

Kayla's POV

"Mierda!" Spain slammed his hands on the table as he cursed. "Why didn't I wake up earlier? I should've been awake by that time."

"Hermano, it's not your fault." Seville tried to calm Spain down.

"I should've known her next move, it was too obvious!" Spain paced around the dining room.

I sighed angrily. We should've known. Though she can be unreadable at times, her plans were too obvious.

"What do we do now? Is Kryztel still around the country?" Spain massaged his temples as Hazel asked.

"No, she's no longer here, damn it."

"I've tried calling her and I think her phone is off." Alex said as she placed down her phone in her pocket.

"I gave a quick message to the other countries." Portugal informed.

"What did they say?" I asked.

"She's not in any country yet, meaning she's still in a plane ride or something."

"What the heck now?" I said angrily. 'Our best friend is in the hands of a 2p.' "I'm not letting her marry that fucker."

"She's not in my country." France said.

"Nor in my part of the country." Prussia replied. "Mein bruder said that he secured the airports all over the country."

"Gracias..." Spain raked his fingers through his hair as he took deep breaths.

I slammed my fists angrily on the table and stood up.

"Well we're not just gonna sit around here aren't we?" I looked at them. "Game plan, we split up in the most possible countries they've been to."

"But the traveling time would take long if we have to go to that country." Kid! Hazel exclaimed.

"But if you're with a country it's not." We all faced at Kid! Kryztel who remained stoic as ever. "Is it true that countries travel faster than humans right? That's how you guys get over to world meetings fast."

"Ja." Prussia answered.

"Then there our problem is solved. We split into groups or by partners and travel around the world." My younger self replied.

"Good idea, but what possible countries could they land in?"

Ding Dong!

"I'll get it." I walked towards the door. I tied my hair on the way as I reached the door. I opened it to see a girl around the age of America and Canada. She had medium length dark blonde hair and tan skin. I looked down at her.

"Buenas dias?"

"Buenas dias..." She had an American accent. "Umm... No habla Español." She sighed in defeat.

"Don't worry I speak English."

"Oh my god thank you..." She sighed in relief.

"Now what is it?" I asked.

"Well I think a friend of yours accidentally dropped her phone on the sidewalk this morning while I was jogging and I saw that she came out of here." She showed me a violet Sony Xperia Z2. "I followed her until I reached Alcazar."

My eyes widened. What happened in Alcazar?"

"You should see the video yourself, I placed a video inside the phone to show this video to anyone who knows her." She handed me the phone. "I don't really want to get involved so I'm going now."

"Gracias..." I thanked her.

"De nada." She walked away. I swiped the lock screen open as it directly led to the video. I played the video and watched everything that happened. My eyes widened at everything. I didn't want Spain to see this video. I wanted to kill Andres for kissing my best friend.
I ran back into the dining room as I deleted the video. I bumped into Prussia tackling him down.

"Sorry..." I got off him and helped him up.

"It's okay liebe, what's wrong?" I looked at him as he got the message.

"The one who was at the door had Kryztel's phone, she said that she saw everything that happened to her. The location also slipped off."

"Where?" Spain was the first one to respond.

"New Hampshire."

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