Another Chapter

343 13 14

Kryztel's POV

They all freaked out when they said we're stuck here forever.

Yes it was my wish that I wanted to come here but maybe I wasn't specific about how long so lets say this is your typical 'Its all my fault' scene where I feel so guilty about making all of my friends part of this shit. While they all freaked out I snuck out of the room and wondered through the halls of the Presidential Palace.

I knew that I would get lost because this place was alien to me but that was the point of wandering around the halls ever since. Getting yourself lost in every turn.

Well if you were wondering what happened after the Paris incident, France decided to travel with us until his home is rebuilt even though England was against this he surprisingly agreed!

Since I knew nobody saw me sneaking out I started to sing.

"Into the night

Desperate and broken

The sound of a fight

Father has spoken."

I took a turn to the left.

"We were the kings and queens of promise

We were the victims of ourselves

Maybe the children of a lesser God

Between Heaven and Hell,

Heaven and Hell."

"You have a very beautiful voice chica." I jumped out of my skin, I turned around to see Spain. Honestly I did not see that coming.

"W-were you following me?!" 

"Maybe. Maybe not."

I sighed.

"Whats wrong chica?"

"My friends are freaking out because of me. I caused this to happen just because of one little wish."

"Its not your fault chica."

"Yes it is. I'm such a stupid person. Like what they say, 'When you want something, it comes with a price' aand this is the price. Causing danger to my friends. I only bring trouble."

"Don't say that."

"You must think that I was weird back in the catacombs too huh? I know that this is all for pity Spain. I'm just a girl that causes most problems thats all."

"Stop saying that, your making yourself sound worthless."

"Because I am Spain. Soy una persona sin valor...." I started to walk pass by him.

(Translation: I'm a worthless person)


I froze. Instead of calling me chica he called me by my name.

He made me face himself. His head was tilted down making his bangs were covering his emerald green eyes.

"You are not worthless Kryztel. Your a girl who brings good things to life."

"Like what?" I smirked sarcasticly, "bringing 2ps here to your world and more trouble?"

He muttered something that I didn't understand.

"What did you say?"

"Te amo Kryztel."

My eyes widened at what he said.


"Te amo Kryztel. You make me happy." He tilted his head up and with that he was smiling softly and his emerald green eyes shining.

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