New Hampshire

116 8 3

Kryztel's POV

I swear to God that I will try to kill Flavio for this. Right now, he has been throwing me three dresses at a time to try on.

"No, too old school."

"Eww! Too much ruffles!"

"Why is there a black wedding dress here?"

"No, it doesn't match her."

"The ball gown style makes her look fat, go with the A-line."

Blah blah blah blah blah blah and so goes on the criticism of these dresses. We just arrived in New Hampshire two days ago and Flavio has been dragging me around the state ever since from shop to shop looking for the perfect wedding dress.

This was the last freaking dress in the shop and if Flavio flails this dress then that's it. The sales ladies in the shop helped me with the dress since is I do it myself, the dress gets damaged. I got out of the dressing room with Flavio dropping his jaw while clapping.

"Perfecto!" He says in delight.

The dress was backless and of course it had straps. The top was a sweetheart that was bejeweled with diamonds. The layers made a light and heavy effect making it feel a bit flow-y around my legs, in other words there is a seventy percent chance that I will fall on my face.

"We'll take it!" I sighed in relief. As much as I hated the thought about marrying Andres, I hated dress shopping. And the fact that I went to buy a wedding garter alone one time. The sales ladies back there were giving me advice about these things and I wasn't amused. The last time I saw a wedding garter was during my uncle's wedding reception when there was a game where the groom has to slide the garter off the bride's using his teeth and throw it to a group of guys and whoever catches the garter will me the next one to get married.

We got back to the hotel we were staying in. The rest of the wedding plans were already handled by the wedding planners, a.k.a Oliver and Flavio, who were having such a fun time planning even with me who occasionally gets into the planning because I'm not planning my doomsday.

What's the worst that can happen? Oh right. I share a motherfucking room with my worst nightmare. I entered the room and left my dress with Flavio who hurriedly went to Oliver's room to plan. I was glad that I made it clear that I had my side of the room. I was able to get my own bed even though it was smaller than the bed Andres slept on, I was perfectly fine with it.
Before I can even turn on the lights I was grabbed inside with the door slamming behind me. I froze at this as I can see Andres' face inches away from mine. My hands and hips were pinned by his large hands onto the wall. I shivered in fear not wanting to figure out his next move.

"Tell me, mi amor." He whispered. I shook in fear as his nose traced from my neck to my ear. "Where's that little curl of yours?"

"I-I don't even know." I stuttered. "Please, just let me go."

"Then pull it for me."

"No..." I looked down.

"You pull it for me, si? Or else..." He growled angrily. My legs shook. I still had my right arm for strength. I got my right hand out and pushed him away.

"I'll pull it..." I said quietly. "I'll pull it after the wedding." I answered him looking at him with fear. My heart raced from fright as goosebumps appeared from the surprise.

"Fine." He exited the room without anymore words. I slid down sitting on the floor and hugged my legs. I cried again. My glasses were full from tears.

"Why damn it... Why?" I sniffed and stood up leading myself to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and washed my face. I looked up in the mirror to see my 2p. I froze.

"What? You didn't know that 2ps first existed in mirrors?" She snorted. She was the exact opposite of my complexion. Raven black hair, fair white skin, and dark red eyes. "Pathetic, and I thought my 1p was smarter than me."

"And your an insolent bitch who wasn't suppose to exist." I growled back as I turned off the faucet.

"Ha! Is that the best you can come up with? I always knew that you were a big softie." She laughed mockingly at me. "And oh how sweet, marrying the man I love for your man to survive, maybe I should marry yours then if I ever get out of this shit-hole body of yours, but sadly I have no real body."

"Back off, I'll give you your man."

"Then pull it." She answered at me. "Pull the mother fucking curl."

"No, I'm your host body so I can do whatever I want to my body."

"So you'd rather give up yourself to Andres than pulling the curl?"


"Oh, how charming!" She laughed. "You're just looking for a man who just looks like your lover no?"

"No, that's not what I meant!" I shouted at her.

"Oh, that is the truth and I know it." She sits on the toilet in the background cross-legged. "You're a Spain fangirl since you discovered Hetalia and I know you just fell for his looks my dear."

"I didn't just fall for his looks, I fell for him because of his personality, goals, and the way he is simply like that. I didn't love him just for looks, I love him for who he is."


"No! He helped me through this mess mow I'm gonna help him back!"

"With what? Trouble? You're just another troublemaker Kryztel. You brought trouble to your friends, the countries, and your own family." She snarled as she walked towards the mirror. "Only if you didn't exist then I wouldn't exist." She slammed her fist on the mirror resulting a a large crack on the mirror. I flinched and gripped my hands on the sink. "If you would've just died when you were an infant then none of this would've ever happen."

I shook my head as she continued to insult me. I stripped off my clothes as I entered the shower. I scrubbed my body harshly not caring if it becomes red or not.

"Oh wow, you take a shower just to ignore me? Well too bad, I'm still here-"

"With more insults and inside thoughts." I answered firmly. "You're just the other side of me, just more negative. I might look optimistic, but you've seen my thoughts in the inside right? You knew the times I wanted to try to cut myself from being bullied, you knew that I wanted to tell everyone to shut up when I hear them teasing me, and you knew... You knew the times where I just wanted to curl up and die because I wasn't the perfect daughter. From family, grades, old friends, past problems. You know that I've encountered all of these insults all by myself and that didn't come from you, but from me." My 2p stayed quiet, the eerie sound of the shower filled the bathroom. I turned off the shower and dried myself. I wrapped the white robe around myself and dried my hair. I looked back in the mirror to see my 2p glaring at me.

"From this day and forth. Your insults are nothing, but petty alibis to tempt me into pulling my curl and forget everything." I just heard laughter from her as a reply.

"You may seem like this for now, but I've been with you. I know your secrets and weaknesses. You can't stay like that forever dear Kryztel." She laughed.

I knew that she was right, but it's better than breaking into 2p and not know what she has done to your body.

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