The Battle at the France Estate

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Kayla's POV

We were crawling towards the door as Mathieu was distracted with the others.                                             We crawled under the fallen debris carefully and most importantly we were protecting the awesome torture devices that we we'll use against Allen.

"Over there!" Kryztel whispered as she was pointing at the front door.

We crawled towards the door quickly that made us look like a bunch of idiots bevause we were stumbling a bit because of some small debris.

We successfully escaped the war zone and ran towards the SUV.

"Do you think he's still in there?" I asked.

"I hope so." Hazel was twidling her thumbs together nervously as Kryztel opened the back.

"REVENGE BITCH!" Allen tackled Kryztel down. 

"KRYZTEL!" Hazel and I ran towards her.

I kicked Allen hard where it hurts as he let go of Kryztel and landed back on a tree.                  

Hazel opened up her new rod ,which was given by Milan to replace her old one, and jammed Allen with the end.

Even though we got him he was still smiling.

"What the hell you still smiling for you bastard?" I hissed at him.

"Because you all forgot about me!" We looked behind us to see Oliver.

"ITS THE CUPCAKE MAN!!!" Kryztel yelled, "RUN!!!!" 

While we were running, Oliver threw several cupcakes at us and that includes one cupcake that I wanted because it had Rainbow Dash's face on it but too bad it explodes.


We looked to our side to see a burning tree.

"What the-" I was cut off to see a flying baseball almost reaching my face but passed by instead and exploded on another tree.

"För helvete!" 

(Translation: god damn it!)

"Okay we have exploding hockey pucks, exploding cupcakes and now exploding baseballs?! Whats next exploding tomatoes or something?!" Hazel yelled out loud.

Then a tomato was thrown out of nowhere.

Hazel ducked as it was thrown towards her face.                                                                                              When it hit the ground it exploded.

"Aw c'mon!" 

Kryztel's POV

No where were we oh yes.

Running for our lives from murderous 2ps.

When I saw the tomato I was really dumbstruck until I realized that it was a perfectly good tomato  that was thrown and it exploded.                                                                                                                       We've got another 2p! And I hate him.

We swung our heads up to see a a guy who looks like Romano with blonde hair, pink tinted sunglasses and wearing very fashionable clothes.                                                                                     

"I might not like messy deaths but this is an exceptional!" He smiled widely as he threw more tomatoes at us.

"Who's he Kryztel?!" Kayla ducked as a tomato was thrown at her.

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