Getting Ready for the Ball

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Kryztel's POV

Why did I ever agree to this?

After that discussion. We were immediately transferred to England and during that time I was disappointed because I wanted to see the bomb sheds and other stuff that happened in the Vietnam War.

Right now I was wearing a plain dress that will be serving as like a temporary dress to make me practice walking and dancing wearing it. I find this really ridiiculous I mean why do balls need to involve dancing? I don't get people who hold these kinds of things. They even made me wear heels. This is torture already. These heels are killing my feet. But at least the dress's skirt reaches below my knees like Liechtenstein's dress but mine was blue.

This was the most embarrassing thing I've ever done because I look younger than my age. If you make me wear any kind of cute dresses or anything, I would look younger than a 17 year old. I was walking towards the ball room where we'll be practice dancing and I was just walking barefoot towards the room holding my heels. I opened the doors to the ball room to see the others already there.

Kayla bursted out her laughter with Prussia.

"Y-you look like your 13!" Kayla laughed.

I popped a vein and walk towards them.

"Wear your heels." Hazel said.

"But they hurt." I whined.

"Your still gonna wear them."

"Fine." I put on my heels and my foot instantly hurts.

"Okay lets start." She turned on the speakers as the they began to dance.

"May I have this dance?" Spain lent out his hand for me.

"But I don't know how to dance." I grumbled as I took his hand.

"Just follow me lead chica."

I looked at my footings because I can easily hit his foot anytime and that I am scared of because I become an apologetic mushroom once I did something wrong to someone.

"Trust yourself chica, its okay if you make a mistake." I looked up at Spain to see him smiling softly.

I followed where he told me to step and got the hang of it, but the heels made my feet sore.

Then the music suddenly change to something snappy.

"Theres tango?" Spain looked happy, "c'mon chica!"

"Wait Spain!" He moved into dancing the tango.

"Just follow me!"

"AH!" (P: No idea how to describe dance steps)

He dropped me down gently and I saw the others upside down smirking and not dancing. I gave them a glare quickly as Spain lifted me back up.

"Having fun chica?"

"I still don't know how to dance this." I had a sweat drop on my head. 'Lord help me here.'

After dancing I kicked my heels off hitting Hazel and Kayla.

"Ow...." They both said.

"How are you able to kick when you have heels when you can't even dance?" Kayla rubbed her forehead.


"I'm tired!" I plopped myself on a near by sofa, "siesta~!"

"May I join you?" Spain asked.

"Go ahead." He sat beside me and as I fell asleep leaning on his shoulder.

Hazel's POV

They look so fucking cute together.

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