We Learn 2 Secrets

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Krystel's POV

It has been 3 weeks since the incident.

Right now we're staying at the Nordic Household for some unknown reason that nobody would tell us.

The Nordic 5 would tell England to come over every week.

But I finally knew the reason after I heard this conversation.


I was walking down the hall towards the kitchen since I was looking for a midnight snack.

"We have to protect them at all cause. Those 2ps figured out something that we just knew." I heard Norway's voice at the kitchen.

Out of curiosity I peeked behind the archway.

"But we need to be completely sure about their situation!" England boomed.

"We already did it England! We checked a hundred times for the past 3 weeks!"

England sighed, "we need to tell them about this so they would be more careful."

"Not yet. Not today."

"Are you sure about that Norway? They should be alert that their 2ps are inside them! Once their hidden curl has been pulled they'll turn into bloody 2ps!"

I gasped a bit making them alert.

'Shit!' I quickly looked for a spot to hide.

I saw a closet and immediately hid there.


So I'm here right now hiding for my life.

I heard footsteps coming closely to the closet.

I prayed to God that they wouldn't open the closet.

But He wasn't on my side.

Norway opened the door and saw me.

"Um... Hi?" I smiled nervously.

"You heard us didn't you?" England said seriously.

I sighed, "theres no way getting out of this huh? Fine. I heard your conversation, but why keep it from us? I feel like those protagonist in the movies that the person who they know or closest to have a secret behind them."

"Krystel. This is only for you and your friends' safety."

"Norge. We're 17 for Pete's sake. Not 7 year olds."

"Krystel." England placed his hands on my shoulders like one of those kids in the movies where they explain bad things, "somethings are better off unexplained."

"But this should be explained England!" I yelled.


"Explain!" I started to feel tears forming.

"We can't tell you about anything just yet Krystel-"

"EXPLAIN!" I yelled even louder.

"Krystel we-"

"You have to explain! We don't even know if we're human or not right now!" I broke down causing something really bad to happen.

The hidden curl appeared and at that time I was pulling my hair in rage and I I accidentally pulled it.

Then I lost consciousness.

Norway's POV

Oh no!

She pulled her curl!

"England, help me knock her out!"

I was holding Krystel in her 2p version right now.

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