The Start

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Kryztel's POV

Today was the day. I was introduced to Seville where she kept on asking me about my relationship with Spain. Well you can't avoid the little sister who tries to annoy her big brother having a girlfriend. (P: I'm guilty of that XD)
I ate more than I would usually eat since I didn't eat dinner last night. Seville also taught me some stuff about the bullfights too being a bullfighter herself. Then I realized something while spending time with Hazel, Kayla, Amiya and Alex in the fields watching Hierro.

"Guys.." They all looked at me including Hierro who mooed. "I don't have a bullfighter costume." They all face palmed even Hierro who shook his head.

"You don't need one anyways." Alex face palmed at Amiya.

"She does, it's like a tradition or something." Alex said in a matter-of-fact.

"But she didn't wear one yesterday."

"It was an exception, she was trying to stop Hierro from rampaging." The bull mooed angrily. "No offense Hierro."

"So what now? I don't want to wear a borrowed bullfighter costume from the 2ps. Who knows what they did to that costume." I exclaimed.

"Maybe this will help." I looked behind me to see Milan holding up my old matador top from the fashion show.

"Milan!" Hazel, Kayla, and I stood up and hugged her.

"I miss you guys too, now I see that I am meeting Alex and Amiya in person." We all let go as the two introduced themselves to her.

"I fixed some stitches because of your costume getting wet from the Catacombs."

"Ahehe... Sorry."

"It's okay, well I also got the pants for this done instead of a skirt."

"Finally skirt free!!!"

"But the pants are fitting."

"Shit... Well at least I am wearing pants this time."

"Good for you then, but who's gonna be the banderillos, picadors, etc.?" Kayla asked.

"I don't know, but I don't like what big brother Romano told me when he yold me about the news on Manila." My smile faded as I sighed. "But it's not like it's your fault."

"Yes it is. I left Manila upstairs alone." I raked my hands in my hair. "And I know that Piri is angry at me in the inside."

"Nope." We spun around to see Piri petting Hierro. "Just saddened that you keep on blaming yourself."

"Piri..." Then the wind was right on cue for dramatic effects.

"It's okay, Kryztel."

"How? I got your sister kidnapped for-"

"It wasn't your fault it was mine, I should've told her that the Magic Trio were coming."

"But I should've brought her with me to the basement."

"It's okay, I knew that you were just trying to keep her safe."


"No more buts, you are forgiven." Kryztel looked down sadly.

"I'm still sorry..."

"Kryz...ugh!" Kayla shook me by the shoulders. "Why the hell are you a big mother fucking apologetic mushroom???"

"Because I was raised that way you damn idiot!" I slapped Kayla away from me as she backed away.

"And stop slapping like a bitch it hurts!"

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