The Homemade Wedding Reception

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Kayla's POV

Experiencing my best friend's wedding as a bridesmaid while fighting 2ps was somehow the most epic thing I have done in life and that wasn't in my bucket list for some reason.
I actually knew from the start that Hazel would be the maid-of-honor since they're closer while Alex, Amiya, and I would be bridesmaids.

Right now music boomed through New Hampshire's house. We didn't had anything fancy for a reception, but the newly weds didn't care at all.

"Dude! It's not a party without games." America said.

"You know what game I haven't played in years?" Kryztel smirked as she crossed her legs. I was shocked that I saw her wearing Chucks when Spain carried her out of the church because she used to love heels back then and talked about her dream wedding shoes.

"What?" Spain asked.

"Monopoly." Everyone laughed as New Hampshire brought a full Monopoly set to the coffee table.

We played for two long hours with arguments, rage gaming, and laughter. The rest if the night the couple went from game to game.
Beer pong, truth or dare, Marco Polo, charades, the card challenge, the pocky challenge, seven minutes in heaven, Cards Against Humanity, Jenga, somehow we got Forza 5 in here, Twister, etc.
I laughed at Kryztel embarrassed face in that certain game where the groom takes off the wedding garter off the bride's leg using his teeth. The whole time she tried to cover her red blushing face as Spain took off the garter off her leg, but she had to hold up her skirt for Spain to slide of the garter. Hollers were around cheering for Spain and Kryztel.
The child versions were simply there just watching trying to figure out what was going on, but Kid! Kryztel understood what happened and walked towards the kitchen.

"Has the chica seen this before?" Kid! Spain asked me as I shrugged.

"I've see this from a wedding a few years ago!" She shouted from the kitchen. "And I did not like searching about it out of curiosity." I laughed at her statement as I drank my beer.

"Ah! The sweet taste." I smiled.

"Aren't you a minor?" Prussia asked as he held me by the waist pulling me closer to him.

"Well I used to drink one bottle of beer for occasions when I was younger because I looked eighteen back then and I still look eighteen now." I answered. I drank my beer with foam in my mouth.

"Cheers to Kryztel and Spain!" I shouted.

"CHEERS!" We all yelled and cheered.

It was time for the bride and groom's first dance of the night. Luckily for Kryztel, she escaped the heels.
While the others started to dance with their partners too, I stayed in the kitchen as I dodged the kids who were all chasing each other around the house.

"Liebe." I smiled as I faced the Prussian.

"You're gonna ask me to dance with you aren't you?" He blushed as he scratched the back of his neck. I giggled and placed down my beer on the counter and wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist. We started to waltz around the kitchen a bit.

"Well maybe..." He started to blush more.

"Oh! I get it." I was on my tiptoes due to him being taller by an inch. "You wanted a kiss didn't you?"

"Ja." He chuckled as he brought his face closer to mine. I closed my eyes as I felt his lips starting to touch mine.

"Wooo!" We pulled away from the sudden holler.

"Go get her Spain!" We practically ran out of the kitchen as we saw Kryztel face palming and Spain blushing together with her at the middle of the stairs.

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