Some Freaked Out Nations Visit Us Everyday

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Kayla's POV

"Ha! Another win!" I yelled as I do a small victory dance.

What are we doing right now?

We are playing Just Dance 2014 in our own room in Russia's private jet.

"God damn it Kayla." I heard Krystel mumbled, "10 times in a row."

"I told you Krys." Hazel said with a matter-of-fact.

When we all said Russia all of the countries paled.

And had an argument.


"What about Mother Russia, da?" Krystel smirked as all of the countries paled.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" They all yelled making the whole building shake.

"What's wrong with Russia?" I asked.

"Da! What is wrong with my country, da?" A man with platinum blonde hair with a beige scarf around his neck said calmly while smiling with a dark aura around him.

I felt that one of those anime sweat drops just appeared on my head.

"But seriously, what's wrong staying with Russia?" Hazel said.

"EVERYTHING!" The rest of the countries yelled.

I sighed.

"Well going to Russia would be an adventure for us though." Krys suddenly said,"it is the largest land mass in the world."

"Why not?" I agreed with her.

"And that's also the place where they shot the movie Salt too!" And she's gone.

"Fine you can go to Russia." England sighed in defeat.

"Yes!" I fist pumped into the air.

Then a knife was thrown at us missing us by an inch.

"You three stay away from my брат!" A girl with a dark blue dress came out, "he will marry me only me!"

(Translation: Brother)

Say what? This girl is nuts. Is marrying your own brother legal in this world?

"That Kayla is Belarus, Russia's psycho sister." Krys whispered enough to let me hear.

I turned at my back where Russia was cowering in fear, I turned back to Krys.

"No shit Krys. Russia here is Courage the Cowardly Dog right now."

"Umm... Belarus, we won't steal your brother because its a girl's code that we girls should have our own likes in men." I said that quickly and she calmed down a bit.

"Nice save." Hazel whispered.

Well this will surely be fun.


And thats what happened back there.

So since the World Meeting was held in America we flew all the way to Russia.

Right now me and Hazel are having miniature jet lag while Krystel is not even close to have one!

"How do you avoid fucking jet lags?" I asked her.

"Stay awake the whole time and take naps." She answered.

I groaned and sat on the sofa.

"Attention all passengers this is your pilot speaking. We will be landing in Moscow, Russia in a few minutes. Please take your seats and buckle up. Thank you."

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