The Battle in Paris

503 17 42

Krystel's POV

God I hate wearing short skirts!

They make me feel uncomfortable with it being a bit revealing.

I was wearing a Spanish Matador's top while wearing a skirt that only reaches half of my thigh.

Damn these people!

I wore boots that reached below my knees inside of it was my machete.

My hair ironed from the mid-length while the rest was curled and some locks of my hair was covering my ears.

"I feel so uncomfortable...." I muttered.

"I know how you feel." I heard Kayla behind me.

I looked at her and had a tint of jealousy.

Her dirndl was only until her knees.

"Well at least your dirndl is only until your knees look at my matador!"

"Well at least you don't have a weapon strapped on your thigh. The strap hurts." She lifted her skirt a bit to reveal her tomahawk and a white strap.

"Don't worry. Hazel is surely gonna wear one."

Speak of the devil here she is.

She was wearing a Victorian dress but it only reaches below her knees.

"I don't like the whole rod idea being on strapped on the thigh." She whined

"Your not alone." Kayla patted her back.

Then I heard some voices outside our tent.

Then several people entered.

Germany, China, Hungary, Switzerland, Japan, Italy, Romano, Spain, Prussia, France, Milan, Poland and England.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them, "we didn't expect you to bring more people."

"Some of them wanted to watch your show at the same time protect you guys from the 2ps." Milan explained.

"Oh yeah! I actually had a question for Italy and Romano when we were still with the Nordics." I suddenly said when I saw Italy and Romano.

"Ve~! What is it bella/What is it Tomato Bitch?" They both said at the same time.

"Well I was wondering if you two can-"

"Ladies and gentlemen!" We all heard the host said.

"Times up time to go on the catwalk!" Milan and Poland pushed us towards the line of models.

"I feel so nervous...." I always had stage fright ever since I learned that this is the real world where there are hardships and mostly where shit happens.

I got some licorice that Iceland gave me before leaving the Nordics and started to chew nervously.

"Calm down. Its only a strut and walk." Hazel said.

"Okay strut and walk strut and walk. Yeah it will be all just be fine." I said to myself as the band who will be singing tonight started to play.

You've could have knocked my out with her. (With her.)

OMG!!! After I heard that I suddenly started to squeal behind my friends.

"Whats wrong Krys?" Hazel asked.

"I-its, i-its, FALL OUT BOY!!!" I screamed making some of the models to look at me weirdly.

"Shush!" Hazel slapped her had on my mouth to shut me up.

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