Do you like how I walk? Do you like how I talk?

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"I am doing fine, thank you for caring." I said to Russian empire as I flipped another pancake in the pan. 

Russian empire looked in my direction and shrugged it off. Everyone kept asking me if something was the matter. The answer is yes and no. Shortly ago Japanese empire and Kingdom of Italy moved out from the palace. My heart was completely destroyed and didn't want them to leave. They are part of my family, German empire said, but sometimes people important as a family have to leave. Japan empire is so nice and she's like a mother to me, and that was exactly why I didn't want her to leave. She left me books and few plushies to keep her in good memory. Kingdom of Italy gave me the last hug and a recipe book to continue cooking. 

"Please come back." I muttered.

"Hm?" Russian empire said and turned around drinking his coffee.

"Did I say something?" I snapped back in reality. "My apologies, I didn't realize it."

I continued on making pancakes. After about 10 minutes pancakes were done and I placed plates on the table. Shortly after countries started to come into the kitchen. 

"Oooh, what's that beautiful smell~" Prussia yawned.

He sat down and took a bite of my pancakes. 

"Y/n are you an angel? This tastes BEAUTIFULLY!~" he smiled.

Other countries nodded in agreement and continue eating. I smiled and took a bite myself. 

These pancakes really are good

[ <3 ]

"Today Prussia will stay with you." German empire said as I nodded. 

"Prussia, behave." he said as he was leaving.

"I will! Do I look like some sort of a child to you?!" Prussia snapped.

"Body of a country possessed by a 9-year-old." Austria-Hungary laughed. 

"Shut up!"  he snapped at Austria-Hungary.

Countries laughed and left. I faced Prussia which has been dusting of his helmet. 

"Now now Y/n, I have some paperwork to do in my office and-"

"Would you mind if I read books at your place?" I interrupted.

"Not at all!" Prussia's eyes sparkled. "I was about to ask! You're reading my mind, aren't you?"

I chuckled. "Perhaps I do."

We both chuckled once more and went to his office. 

Few hours passed as Prussia was doing his paperwork. He finished early and he started reading some novels, while I was reading his history books and asking questions then and there.

"...and that is why French empire (kingdom of France) and I aren't friends." he finished.

"Wow.... He seems like a... interesting guy..." I said while looking at the picture of him in the book. 

"Oh that's not the end," he continued. "remember UK? Ohoho, he made tons of money out of America, just like him and Spanish empire: colonies everywhere!"

"If you're going to tell her bedtime stories about me, then make them simple and show her my good image." said the French empire, standing on the door frame.

I quickly turned to him as he smirked at Prussia. 

"What good image? I don't remember you have one." laughed Prussia.

Prussia's comment made French empire pissed as hell. He entered in the office and was moving closer to Prussia to possibly start a fight. I quickly stood up and froze like a statue with his attention going to me. We exchanged looks as I was opening my mouth to introduce myself when

"Aah, so you're Y/n! A pleasure to meet you!" he smiled and kissed my hand.

I slightly blushed as Prussia rolled his eyes. 

"I hope we will get along, I also hope Prussia didn't tell any silly things about me." he laughed as he was holding my hand.

"I was just telling the truth. Do you mind if you pull your hand off from hers?" Prussia raised an eyebrow.

"There is no need-" I was cut off.

"And why is that? She isn't yours, right?" French empire smirked again.

Prussia's eyes twitched from anger as he stood up. 

"Guys please, don't fight over a small thing like me." I said to both of them.

"Oh we don't fight," French empire said as he squished my hand softly and faced me with an innocent smile. "in fact: we're clarifying territorial possession."

Prussia walked angrily to French empire and pulled him by his coat. French empire let off my hand as I stepped back with sudden movements.

"We're not in American Revolutionary War, French." Prussia growled. "She is nobody's possession. She isn't an object like your slaves in Africa."

French's eyes wide opened. 

"Both of you, stop right away." I said and brought their attention. "If I'm an object to you, then consider that this object has feelings and isn't some trial plaything you can mess around with."

Prussia let go of French's coat and French laughed. 

"Why of course, Y/n! I'm just trying to avoid any misunderstandings which can lead to physical actions! No one is an object, we are all humans after all!" he smiled wider. 

"I guess so..." I muttered. "But wait, why are you here?" 

"Oh, they didn't tell you?" French empire gasped. "I'm moving in! Just like few other people, but they will come later." he winked.

"What?!" Prussia and I yelled at the same time.

"YOU are MOVING in with US????" Prussia gasped.

"Ha hah excited already?! Of course, we are! some rooms got opened and we can finally make our lives easier!" he laughed off.

"B-but Japanese empire, Kingdom of Italy and USSR moved out a few days ago! H-how come are you moving in already?? This is so unsetting!!" I stuttered as tears were forming in my eyes.

"Y/n you're overwhelmed, it's going to be alright-" Prussia side hugged me.

"It's not going to be alright! Nothing will be alright! They're gone and I'll never have a chance to see them again!" I broke his hug aggressively and ran out of the office.

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