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[11:39 AM]
Y/n carefully came out from the shower and wrapped herself with a towel. She dried her skin and took her brush and started brushing her h/l hair. The morning was peaceful and perfect. Only birds could be heard and a beautiful sound of the waves. Y/n removed her towel and dressed in her underwear and then in her yukata. She exited from the bathroom and took necklace Third gave her. She styled her hair and left her room. While she was going in the kitchen, she saw Germany heading somewhere.

"Germany." she said.

"Good morning Y/n, do you need anything?" he turned to her.

"Can I go outside in the backyard?" she asked.

"Of course, just make sure to eat something before that." he answered and left.

Y/n quietly hummed and went to the kitchen to grab something. She took an apple and few packs of sweets. She exited the apartment through kitchen doors. Backyard contained perfectly cut grass, trees, little pool for fish and a bench. Y/n walked to the bench and sat down eating her apple. She continued eating some sour gummy worms from yesterday. Y/n looked at the sky to look at the clouds.

Peaceful moment broke the sound of a very fast and loud airplane, or jet to be specific. She was confused until Third Reich walked over to her and took her hand.

"Dear, we need to go." he said amd lead her inside of the apartment.

"Huh. Why?" she asked.

"Nothing important, but you just have to cooperate with me." he lead her on the first floor and opened unknown room.

He turned the lights on and revealed the room. Room didn't have any windows, but it was decorated like the palace. In the middle was fancy sofa, coffee table and a chair with fancy telephone next to sofa. On the coffee table was already waiting Y/n's book and the pen. On the right side of the room were little doors for toalet. Y/n walked to the sofa and sat down followed my Third.

"You need to stay here for a bit." he said.

"What does this phone do?" she asked.

"This phone is connected to the phone in my office. Don't answer it if it rights less that 7 seconds." he said.

Y/n nodded and took her book to continue writing. Third then left the room and silently locked it. Thing Y/n didn't know was that the room was soundproof. No one could hear what is going on in the inside. No one could hear what is going on on the outside.


"Nato said that he found some strange apartment on one german island." America said.

G. E. hummed and looked at video once again what was taken from the jet.

"He can only be on island Borkum. I know he have an apartment there filled with who knows what." he said.

"FBI tried to get on the island today, but he said that it's protected with soldiers." America said again.

"What is he planning." F. I. said.


"Kidnapped and used as a torture victim." UN said. "Such a poor soul."

"I know." Prussia closed his eyes for a moment. "So, what will you do when we set her free?"

Such a terrible question. Firstly the great three were thinking of locking her in the room with Nato and FBI to ask her questions. Asean said that it would be bad idea and they would change the way of Y/n's point of view of them. EU suggested that they five should ask her alone but carefully. UN agreed.

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