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I sat down next to Japan Empire (it's also called Japanese Empire but I don't give a shit). When she looked at me, she took one more weird cup and put some tea in it.

"Want some?" She asked.

"Sure, why not." I answered.

I took a cup and started to look at it.

Japanese Empire's POV
While I was drinking my tea, I saw Y/n being in confusion about the tea. I swear to Jesus, I never saw anyone looking at tea like this.

"Y/n, is there any problem?" I asked her.

She looked at my face a bit sweating.

"Um... what is this?" She asked me.

"This is tea, it's a warm drink." I answered.

She looked at tea and drinked it a bit.

"It's warm... I like it!" She smiled.

"I'm glad you like it! Did you ever try some?" I asked.

"No, in lab I never get that." She said drinking some more.

After some seconds Italy came back still rubbing a bit of his nose. He sat down on his seat.

"Here I am- are Prussia and Reich okay?" He asked looking at them.

I turned my head and saw them frozen like statues.

"I don't think so. Are they even breathing?" I looked that them.

"I know how to fix that! Nurse showed me once a trick. Can you pass me First Aid please?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah sure." Italy said and passed Y/n First Aid.

She took one empty injection and she filled it with her tea. She walked behind Soviet what was confused. She stood between Prussia and Third Reich with injection in her hand.

"Vaccination time boys!~" she said.

"EEEK!" Prussia yelled and jumped on Third and they both fall off the sofa.

Me, Soviet and Italy were DYING of laughter. AH. was laughing as well. Y/n was slowly giggling while Prussia was shaking in fear.

"You are alive after all!" I said laughing a bit.

"Why did you do that?!" Third asked trying to get Prussia off him.

"You were frozen, so I decided to scare you since adrenaline is making people show some life." She said smiling at them.

"Don't worry, this is just.... uh... tea!" She reminded herself.

She walked back to our table and placed injection on the table. She sat down on her seat while Prussia stood up.

"I'm going to take a walk. Does anyone wants to go with me?" He asked.

Y/n POV:
My heart and eyes felt weird. Going outside without anyone watching every single move I make?! Yes please!

"I wanna go!" I stood up.

Prussia smiled and started to walk to big doors.

"Y/n, can I have you for a moment?" Soviet asked.

"Sure!" I said and followed him.

We walked in bedrooms hallway and he closed doors after me.

"Before you go, I need to tell you something about Prussia..." he looked at me. "He can be in that "kink" mood sometimes. He starts to flirt with someone at those things. Just be careful about what topic you are talking."

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