
1.8K 58 42

Case number XXXX
Because of aggressive attack, fatal injuries, material damage, human victims and close war to USSR, Third Reich will be staying in XXXXX Jail for 12 years.

As his cooperative, Germany will have to pay for material damage and will need to send 100 000 soliders to NATO's army.

As his cooperative, G/n will be sent is jail for 15 years with enough evidences of this and past cases of war planning.

Case closed

Y/n slowly yawned. Still, she continued writing her book. Polish Empire was reading his book and Martial Law was asleep on the sofa long time ago. Y/n yawned once again, this time all attention on her.

"Are you sleepy?" Polish Empire said.

"I wanna finish this chapter." girl answered.

"Don't pressure yourself." he said back.

Room was silent again. Polish looked at girl who was looking at her book thinking. Polish Empire exhaled and walked to Y/n placing his warm hand on her left shoulder.

"It's late anyways, they will come back as soon they can." he formed a small smile.

"Okay." Y/n answered and closed her book.

Girl stood up and stared walking, with Polish Empire following her. She pulled out her key and unlocked her room. She turned to Polish Empire and made a hand movement to come in. Polish smiled and entered. He looked at empty chair and sat down there.

"You can read this until I get in my night clothes." she handed him her book.

Polish opened her book and started reading. In the meantime Y/n approached her wardrobe and took her night clothes, and went to change in the bathroom. After she changed her clothes, she took her yukata and left the bathroom. She saw that Polish was still reading, so she decided to put her yukata back in the wardrobe. She then took her new brush and sat down on her bed, gently brushing her hair.

"Do you like it?" she asked.

"Very much! You have such a wonderful talent for writing, just like German Empire and Russian Empire." he smiled and put book on the table.

He then approached Y/n leaving a small head pat.

"Now go to sleep. It's late." He said.

Y/n nodded and placed brush on the table. Then she turned back to Polish to ask him.

"Do you have any children?" she asked.

"Of course I have, I have a son. Why you ask?" he said.

"Because you act like a good parent." she said.

He silently chuckled and walked to the doors. Y/n was already in her bed waiting for the lights.

"Good night." Y/n said.

"Good night." Polish Empire answered and closed the lights and left her room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{ × }


I can see only void.

Everything white, alone.

"What did they do?" Corrupted asked.

"They didn't come home yet. I don't know." I answered.

I heavily exhaled and looked at the floor. I heard footsteps coming from the behind. Pair of arms hugged me by my waist and a head was taking rest on my right shoulder.

"What's wrong?" she asked peacefully.

"I don't know..." I replied. "I don't know honestly."

"Maybe you are just tired. Physically and mentally." she said. "Those things really exhaust people."



"So, what do you think of them?" she asked, somehow playful.

"UN is okay. He is serious when things are meant to be done that way, but he have a soft side." I continued. "EU is happy every time I see him. NATO is trying to be soft... Amd ASEAN... I don't know... I don't communicate with him so much..."

She gently started to play with my hair.

"You just need some time to relax, sleep, eat and you will be fine." she said.

"Yeah.... I hope it will." I said closing my eyes.

Happy late Halloween!

I finished this chapter in 0:09 so it's late???

Also I started getting weird ass dreams like... Last night I dreamed how I was sitting with some old Countryhumans. For some unknown reason I had brush in my hand and I turned to Prussia (who had hair tf-) and asked him to brush his hair, which he agreed and then my mom woke me up😤

Anyways, don't do school and stay in drugs, don't dream weird ass dreams like me and stay safe until next chapter!


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