T w e n t y

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   "So you're really leaving?" I ask, though the question is somewhat self explanatory by the suitcases by the door and the person standing next to them, waiting for their ride. "I just can't believe it."

"I'm actually gonna be closer to you then I was back in the states." Jenna points out, her expression amused. "Don't get bent out of shape over it, I'll come visit you, and you can come visit me."

I nod my head as I'm pulled into a brief hug. "Plus we'll call all the time right?"

She only laughs in reply as her phone buzzes, "That's my Aunt." She says, opening the door after waving bye to Kaylee on the couch.

"Jenna?" I call as she purposefully exits with no eye contact, "You'll call right?"

"She'll call." Kaylee confirms after the door is swung shut.

I roll my eyes, sighing before walking back to my room. Right after I've fallen face first onto my bed my phone buzzes. I roll over while retrieving my phone, unlocking it to find a message from none other than Maia.

My lips tug up into a small smile at the mere idea of her texting me. It had been a few days without communication since the night I spent at her place, and we hung out the day after.

When I open the message, I'm met with a spotify link, leaving my only option to click it and blush when my screen changes. Before my eyes was a large picture of me, the picture she took that day, and underneath it were the words, 'To Kris', even further down in the description section it read 'For your music taste <3'. I felt my cheeks get warmer and my smile larger as I scroll through the playlist, finding songs I've never seen before, titles like 'Prom Queen', 'Maniac', 'Cloud 9'. All this intrigued me enough to grab my headphones from my nightstand and hitting the first song, planning to listen to most if not all the songs.


"They're all pretty gay." I state, holding onto Maia's hand as I balance on the edge of the small bridge, a metal railing between us.

I hear her laugh while I watch my feet, making sure not to misstep, "They're not gay." She argues, "I think you mean good."

"Those are synonyms." I joke, my eyes traveling to the green river below us, barely a meter from where we walk on this old stone bridge.

"My question was 'did you like them', not 'were they gay enough for you?'" Maia points out, as I feel her gaze on the side of my face.

I nod my head, "Course I liked them." I look up, meeting her eyes, "It was really sweet." Her lips tug up in a smile but at that moment my foot slips, sending me towards the water. I'm lucky though, Maia grabs my other hand, making me turn my whole body the other way, facing her, and that paired with both my upper arms hitting the railing lets me regain my footing on the edge.

"Oh my god." Maia says, her eyes wide and her voice airy, "I fucking told you not to walk there." Her words didn't sound harsh, especially when a small grin reappeared on her face.

"Maybe I knew you'd catch me." I reply, dropping her hands to hold the railing as I meet her brown eyes, smiling victoriously.

It's a few more seconds that we just look at each other before she rolls her eyes, "Jesus." She mutters, then I feel her hand at the base of my neck, pulling me forward to meet her in a kiss. 

It's a brief one though, because seconds later, she's breaking it to lead me the rest of the way off the bridge, I take note of the fact she's holding my hand tighter this time, probably fearing the same fate as before.

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